what happens in jail in mexico
all the things tell me?
shareThey force you to mow their lawns and yell admonishments like "You missed a spot, essay!" and "You gringos can't weed wack to save your lives!"
Are you talkin' to me?
- Travis Bickle
they put all kinds of burritos up in your @ss.
shareConjugal visits and all the drugs you want, if you have the money. Better watch your back though. I wouldn't advise getting arrested in Mexico, you can rot in jail waiting for a trial. If you don't confess the cops kick your ass till you do, then they sentence you within a week or so of your arrest. The prison guards are totally corrupt, since they make ridiulously low salaries and will take bribes from anyone.
The Wire...the best series in the history of television
Ditto the burrito thing...
shareStays in jail in Mexico