Coven and Oven

Oh Man I laughed so hard when he kept pronouncing Coven like COVE-n. That guy is so charming and a smooth talker. The movie was intriguing to say the least. Good luck to him. His uncle rocked too. bless his heart.


On the commentary track of the DVD, the director admits that he was told later that the way Mark pronounced Coven was actually totally acceptable and correct( it's just a lesser known way to say it ).


You know, isn't that funny? A scene designed to highlight what a schmuck Mark is and in fact his pronunciation is correct. That bit of meta-movie perhaps says more about the whole phenomenon that is watching how a "good" director asks us to watch him watch him watching a "crappy" director and feel pity, laughter, inspiration, and a host of emotions. And yet, COVE-n is and has been for a long time, a valid pronunciation of the word. See below:

-... ..- -.. -.. .... .- -....- -... ..- -.. -.. -.--


Totally agree, Will. The film desperately wants to paint Mark as an idiot sometimes, but he isn't at all. He's simply impulsive and wants to get his film made no matter what. I love American Movie, but I feel like they(Chris Smith and company) crafted it in such a way as to make Mark look hopeless.


A good article on Chris and Mark's relationship as well as other things...


Excellent article - thanks for the link jacknife33


he was a crazy bastard, and knowing how to pronounce coven doesnt stop the fact that he was an idiot .just look at that mullet. he wasnt thick, but i just dont think it was all there in his little mullet covered head.


That was one of my most favourite moments in cinema, ever.

