You must realize first off, this guy you are talking about "Mark" did not direct or make "American Movie" Other filmmakers came across what he was doing which was making "Coven" and his other film, and they decided to fallow him around and make a documentary about the amateur film maker. Second, your eyes only saw what was in front of the camera, he takes care of his kids, they are fed and have a house and an awesome dad. You also have to realize that Mark is smarter than he appears. Just because he is not rich and wear designer cloths does not mean he is not smart. He may seem like a crazy kid himself, but the idea's and concepts he has are really great. Most people would see what a disaster that movie would be and would have not even begun to work on it. Despite all his disasters, and all the negative things that happened during his making of Coven he kept going and eventually made it into a theatre where people paid to go and watch it. Ive never done that. I see kids who are worse off with horrible parents everyday, if he didn't divert some attention to himself he would not have become the success he is today and thus by doing that can be the better father you think he can be. Now he is not working on a film and has some money in his pocket from his new found fame. Cant you be a positive person and be happy that some guy pushed hard enough and found his way. Sure they may seem odd to you but when I think about it, I think Mark makes more sense than some of us. Most of us have kids and sweep our dreams under the rug. Here is a guy who didn't. He went for it and I envy him in certain ways.