Need Tune I.D.

On the DVD release there is a tune used in the movie that is not available on its soundtrack. I need help identifying that tune, please.

The selection is strictly instrumental (has no lyrics in it); it is soft and has a very Spanish/Latin sound to it. It is heard as Conor/Keanu is picking up his first "paycheck" at Smyth & Stevens Securities. The tune continues in the background as he cashes his check, subsequently giving that cash to the barber, and as Conor sits in his easy chair, back home, eating a slice of pizza.

Can someone please identify this tune for me? Is it studio music and therefore not available on the retail market, or is it a cut of another song, perhaps one that is available elsewhere in the artist's library?



i know that song. its that song by that guy who sings that song on that cd for that movie. he is from that country with all those people in it and he sings a lot of songs.

hope that helps
