MovieChat Forums > Hard Ball (2001) Discussion > Two things I'de change

Two things I'de change

I really like this movie but two things bother me about it. One is that Keanu was able to get out of gambling by gambling, that normally doesn't happen, usually you just dig yourself into a deeper hole. If i was doing it, he would have been down 5000 when he placed a bet with that last guy instead of 11000, then he would have lost, and had to figure something out, i don't know borrow money from Diane Lane as long as he kept working or something, something like that. The other minor ting that bothers me is that you find out that they won everything during the credits, I thought the whole point was showing up and playing. If it just ended with a fade away from them starting the final game, I think it'd be better. But otherwise it'd one of my favorite movie.


I'd change the whole Jamal thing. I think they could have made him joining one of the gangs because he got kicked off the team a much bgger storyline. I also think that would have affected the other kids more, especiall andre who was like his best friend.
"And here comes Mr Khleo Thomas with his award winning performance as a sploosh addict" Squid


I still think they should have went with the fade out.


I wouldn't change anything about this movie. I loved it and I loved Keanu in it, he was awesome.


I agree, a fadeout would have been brilliant. In the commentary, the writer mentions that it was how he saw it, but the director countered him, saying he always thought of the kids as winners. Still love the movie, though.


I love it either way. When those boys ran out to the field, I thought, I don't care if they win or not. I don't care if I know if they win or not. They had something to do, and they were going to do it...and most importantly of all, love it.

I am delighted they won. I imagine winning the championship, the tireless efforts of Coach O'Neil and Miss Wilkes (soon to be Mrs. O'Neil), and especially the death of G-Baby, catapulted ALL of those boys out of the projects and onto great lives.
