Looking for DVDs?

Hey, I used to watch Power Rangers when I was a kid and just yesterday started thinking about finding them on DVD. Recently I found this wonderful website called iOffer.com that sells the complete series of each of the Power Rangers. There are multiple sellers, each with their own quality DVDs, which are burned and may or may not include artwork. I have bought TV movies from there before and the quality has been good. The prices are also reasonable and because the site revolves around negotiating and picking the series that you want, the prices vary with each purchase. From the looks of it, they have all of the series from multiple sellers and for a variety of prices, which usually decrease with the more you buy. I hope this helps. I haven't bought mine yet because I'm still trying to find which seller has the seasons I want for the right price and the best quality, but this website is really helpful and there are ratings of each seller and records of their transactions with buyers, so you can get an idea of how good they are. Anyway, like I said, I hope this helps anyone looking!

Character: Who you are when no one is watching.
