1 Possibly they could be related, but it was never specifically stated. By the time Wild Force was being filmed, the majority of the show was under Disney's control and they didn't want a lot of ties to previous seasons... so, who knows.
2 Dunno. Perhaps her essence was transported to sort of a limbo via the quasar saber and when everything was restored, it released her. Honestly, though, you just kind of have to accept it... like Andros' tears restoring Karone to normal in Space.
3 The villains from the series originated outside of our universe. Thus, part of the reason this is "far, far away, deep in space, to a galaxy unknown." It was outside the reach of his powers. Similarly, Lightspeed's villains were sealed away and from the past/different dimension, Time Force's were from far into the future, etc... to explain why they were around. Some other shows since then... well... I dunno.