Series Re-watch: My 'PR Lost Galaxy' Review
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (Season 7)
You know a part of me was hesitant about continuing to watch the seasons after In Space considering how climatic "Countdown to Destruction" was. The writers wrapped up the first 6 seasons so brilliantly that anything after that felt like it wouldn't be as good. "Quasar Quest", Part 1 was okay, but it's "Quasar Quest, Part 2" where I remembered why I loved Lost Galaxy. There are moments throughout that episode that got me very nostalgic and are purely awesome. I love the idea of the Quasar Sabers, while not the most original concept with the whole "sword in the stone" angle, it really works for PR and the moment the rangers morphed was epic. As for the rangers themselves, I once again, really liked this team and their individual personalities. Leo is naturally impulsive and a troublemaker, Kai is a "by the books" kinda guy, Kendrix is smart and nerdy yet confident and selfless, Damon is stubborn and a bit of a jerk but a skilled mechanic and a jungle girl from a distant planet, but overall heroic and pretty knowledgeable. Then, there's Mike, Leo's overprotective older brother, who dies at the beginning of the season, giving Leo a sad yet noble reason for taking up the mantle of the Red Ranger. I love the episode following Mike's revival, "Destined For Greatness" when Leo, full of guilt, tries to give Mike back the Quasar Saber. It worked as a great callback to the premiere as well as showing how much Leo had grown. The rest of the team get their moments in some of the best individual character episodes. "Green Courage" sees Damon taking a huge risk by helping the enemy to save a life, "Blue to the Test" finally sees Kai embracing his instincts and not just following orders all the time, "Loyax's Last Battle" is an awesome episode centered around Maya being forced to fight an aging monster out to prove himself in one last fight. Then there's Kendrix, who in "The Power of Pink" sacrifices herself to save a fellow ranger. The first ranger to fall in battle, it's an excellent last stand showing how heroic and selfless she was as well as how dark the series was continuing to get.
Like the last season, this series continued a run of darker, more complex villains. While Scorpius and Furio are pretty forgettable, the real star villain is Trakeena and her impressive journey from meek alien princess to an imposing badass with lethal fighting skills. Then there's Villimax, who is kinda the Ecliptor of this season but has much more noble qualities besides mentoring Trakeena. Not only was his relationship with Trakeena great to watch but also his sense of honor despite being evil. Treachron had the same qualities, especially having followers who shared his sense of loyalty. Then there's Deviot, who is probably the sleaziest villain of them all. Like Darkonda, he's pretty much a traitor among this season's group of villains but almost worse! While Darkonda was more menacing and calculating, Deviot is just manipulating and a coward in the face of defeat. He's constantly trying to prove his loyalties while planning his various bosses' downfall, which is hilarious to watch. Also we get our first anti-hero type character of the series in the Magna Defender. Both character and his backstory is pretty riveting for a kid's show, especially considering his son was killed in front of him by Scorpius. Geeze, this season had a lot of death! His motives while cruel, are kinda justified and you can't help but be slipt between his mission for revenge and the rangers constantly trying to stop his rampage. The fact he doesn't care whether he kills people to serve his agenda is a refreshing new perspective and made for a great saga, ending in "Redemption Day", a sad but fitting end to the character where he sacrifices himself to save the day and finds peace with his son. I also enjoyed Mike's succession of the character and the Toro Zord was pretty awesome, especially since it's the first time we saw a ranger merging with a zord.
Speaking of zords, the Galactabeasts are cool, being the first living, breathing zords. I also enjoyed "The Lost Galactabeasts", Parts 1 and 2 which introduced the Stratoforce and Centaurus Megazords. Then there's "To The Tenth Power", one of the best (and first annual) ranger team ups with the Space Rangers and Galaxy Rangers fighting the Psycho Rangers. Just a perfect episode with great writing and stellar fight scenes with an equally awesome follow up in "The Power of Pink". Following Kendrix's death, I also thought bringing back Karone and making her the pink ranger was a MUCH better idea than having Cassie back as the writers originally planned. "Protecting the Quasar Saber" and especially "Facing the Past" are great episodes that allow this version of the character to develop a lot more than In Space by exploring her past as Astronema and her finally finding redemption. The season as a whole is a surprisingly strong follow-up to In Space. Probably the best back to back seasons of the franchise with In Space being the Star Wars of the franchise with the space war plot and Lost Galaxy being like Star Trek by having a space odyssey theme with Terra Venture, a space colony looking for a new world to inhabit. I'm also glad while being a whole new chapter of the franchise with new characters, powers, etc. The writers keep a lot of elements from the Zordon era like Alpha, the Astro Megaship and DECA. Like the season before it, the season has a series of mostly successful arcs (The Lights of Orion, the Magna Defender's revenge, etc.) Also there's that hilariously clever episode "The Chameliac Warrior", where the rangers switch fighting styles to defeat a monster who can mimic their individual moves. It sees the team at their finest and like the In Space team, coming up with new strategies to beat their enemies. The weakest part of the season was the last stretch of episodes dealing with the actual Lost Galaxy. While having some stand out moments, Captain Mutiny and the Swabies just weren't as great as Trakeena and the villains earlier in the season. It feels kinda tact on with the writers remembering the title of the season and coming up with this story arc last minute. It definitely starts and ends very well though ("Enter the Lost Galaxy", "Beware The Mutiny", "Grunchor On the Loose" and "Escape From The Lost Galaxy") Overall, while not as good as In Space, this was a great season continuing the dark feel of the previous year with more mature villains, great character development, mostly strong plots, epic fight scenes and another awesome finale in "Journey's End", Parts 1-3.
Best Episodes
1. To The Tenth Power
2. The Power of Pink
3. The Rescue Mission
4. Protecting The Quasar Saber
5. Redemption Day
Final Morph: B+