MovieChat Forums > How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) Discussion > Did anyone notice the Clarnella and Rose...

Did anyone notice the Clarnella and Rose Christmas Party???

Did anyone notice right after Baby Grinch got stuck in a tree and was looking in the window of Clarnella and Rose. That they were throwing keys into a glass container....which means they were having a "SWAP" party. Where they go home with someone other than their wife or husband!!! Of course that was for the adults to understand. But my son watched this movie daily...and I finally just noticed this, lol. I still haven't seen Bryce or that girl from "The Nativity" store.


hmm. i thought it was a like an alcohol issue.


yah im pretty sure they were putting there keys on bcuz they were drinking ..


no, I'm pretty sure it was a "key party" aka "swap party" or "swinger's party". I think that's the joke. these old people throwing a wild pary.


yeah i think that was the joke. it was a pretty dirty party, they had a girl riding a guy around. and it also explains how two old ladies who live by themselves had a baby


anyone who thinks it was a swap party has a mental problem, you put your keys in the jar when you get to a party and know your going to be drinking, the host then puts the keys away so there are no drunk drivers


Actually, that was how swap parties were had "back in the day". (In the 60's and 70's.) They were called "key parties". The guys would put their keys in a bowl or hat and the women would draw a set. The owner of the keys they drew would be the person they would go home with that night. (Or off to the bedroom with or whatever.)

Now we use the internet to set up swingers parties, but this was a pretty common practice for them back then.

But I can see how other people would only see it as a drinking issue because that's what we do now. Swinger parties don't do the key thing much anymore.

That said, I'm more inclined to believe it was a key party as opposed to simple drinking responsibility but only because the people who wrote the script are probably old enough to remember *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* key parties.



It was definitely a partner swapping key party. That was the joke.


According to Ron Howard, that was a reference to a swap party (which I understood the first and only time I watched this piece of trash). I guess he thought it was funny. I was appalled that this movie was advertised as a family or children's movie. They took something whimsical and pure and managed to turn it into a sexualized fantasyland. I was very disappointed in the entire movie.


If a young child already knows what a "key party" is, you can't blame this film...

I shimmer, ELECTRIC, I'm a one-man-marching brownie band


Oh get a sense of humor for God's sake!


I guess people can take it however they want. I took it as a drinking and driving thing.

We Are The Corps!! "Left the GL boards after two years when the trolls showed up."


I definitely thought they were swingers in this scene! The way she is giggling... definitely!

I IMDB boards!



Dude...they live in a SNOWFLAKE! Why would they need cars? the only ones i saw went like 2 miles an hour!Wouldn't the cars melt the snowflake?

swinger's party! WOOO!

The closer you get to light, the greater your shadow becomes.


That wasn't the only joke for adults in this "family" movie, either. Remember when the Who-baby lands at a Who couple's doorstep, and the happy father looks out and calls inside, "Honey, the baby's here, and he looks like your boss..." Not to mention the sight gags of the Grinch getting his face caught in Mary's Lou's bosum, or the sleeping Mayor unconsciously kissing Max on his...Well, you get the picture.


true SAY deadly_tuna! Haha, that's a very good point.

I always thought it was a swinger's party as well. Look at their faces!

Ross:...I'm makingFAJITAS!


Wow, you gotta love the sheer INTENTIONAL ignorance and stupidity of some of the users in this thread who keep claiming its a "way to stop people driving".

Strangely enough, their usually the morons bitching about it being "too adult of a film", haha.

No, it was a "SWAP" party. Ron Howard has specified its a swap party.

Welcome to the real world kids. Your ignorance isnt going to make that *beep* go away.


To everyone complaining because it's supposed to be a 'swap party' or whatever. If you're old enough to remember swap parties, that's what it is. If you don't know/understand what they are, take it for a drunk driving preventative. Just because something's meant a certain way doesn't mean everyone has to take it that way. I'm 22 and have never heard of swap parties, so I always assumed it was for drunk driving. Take it as you will....



I'm 19, and I got that it was a swap party when I was's not that difficult to figure out. No one giggles hystericallly when they get keys to keep people from driving...

Lloyd Dobler: "She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart and......she gave me a pen."



It's not about not having a sense of humor. It's just gross to have some adult references in a movie audiences assume is for children.

The cartoon version of this story was refreshingly charming and innocent and appropriate for ALL audiences. It easily outclasses the Jim Carrey version.


My parents actually answered my questions when I got to that age. When I saw it the first time, I didn't know what it was nor did I care. It's not a big deal to me. Some parents would rather shelter their children, to each their own.

Lloyd Dobler: "She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart and......she gave me a pen."


Wow. I didn't even know what a swap party was when I was 12.
