MovieChat Forums > How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) Discussion > So basically, it's Ace Ventura as the Gr...

So basically, it's Ace Ventura as the Grinch

13 years it's taken me to figure it out, but after watching his insanely over the top performance, his character was part Karloff, part Firemarshall Bill and a large part Ace Ventura.

If Howard could have reigned him in a little, I do believe this could have been a fantastic film.

He proved he could do it in Horton, he was fantastic there, and fairly understated, too.


I disagree, I think what made it funny is how crazy Carrey was.


you could say it was just a total Jim carrey movie lol! but i loved it so much! so funny man


Funny, Ace Ventura was at an ashram, not a mountain above Whoville. And he isn't green and has a monkey.


Any actor only has so much to offer, it's hard not to see a bit of the same thing over and over. I like the movie. There were some laughs. When the girl was in his lair and he tries to scare her off, he walks off frame and comes back on wearing a T-shirt and tears it off, screaming "I'm a maniac!" That was pretty funny.
