Fuzzy grey filter over entire film

I love Christmas movies and I was prepared to love this one too, but I can't seem to get past the grey and fuzzy film over the screen. The original animated film was so bright and sharp. I think it's a shame they didn't embrace that aspect. I don't know what brain donor thought the movie (or any movie other than "The Fog") needed to look like that. Shame.


It's been awhile since I've seen the film, but was just thinking about it with the holidays coming up....

The physical sets in the film are simply incredible - I think I heard Ron Howard say recently something to the effect that it may be the last of its kind. I'm not sure they make physical sets this huge anymore with digital technology. I believe some of the physical sets are still on display at Universal Studios.

The grey haze - I somewhat remember. It may be a certain warm, wintery tone/feeling that Howard was trying to achieve.


I think this movie is incredibly ugly for a movie that seems like it's trying to emulate a Tim Burton visual style. The live action sets are shot with a weird grey haze over them and odd dutch angles and big hand held close ups, yet the CGI establishing shots are bright and have a more classic camera movement. Ron Howard was a bad choice for this style of movie, he picks good material but is not known for having a strong visual style.
