absolutely, positively one of the worst films EVER
Words cannot express how much this film makes my skin crawl. First, just the idea of it -- yet another live-action hubris film with the idea that somehow, it needed to be made. And not only made, but turning the original 30 minutes into 104 minutes, as if having all that extra time with Jim Carrey were just wonderful. Then there's the usual "tried to turn live people and sets into replications of cartoons" nonsense. And Carrey, doing that voice...what the @#$%ng @#$% is that, anyway? So we went from Boris Karloff to Jim Carrey, doing something that sounds like he's got a stuffy nose and all kinds of the typical broad, arch stupidity in pronunciations. Why? Was that just funnier, is why?
This movie leaves me despairing for the state of humanity. Just beyond pathetic. Even worse that the makers of the film made this trash-heap just because they thought they could cash in with a public that is mostly just fine with trash. Still worse yet, they were right. People paid. It made money. Even people who knew it wasn't any good said "Eh, why not, the kids might like it," and pulled out the wallets. And kids were further dumbed down, as if they needed to be dumbed down even more. We're absolutely at the end of the world. No question about it. The world has jumped the shark. No, I don't think I'm overstating.