MovieChat Forums > American Beauty (1999) Discussion > If homophobes are repressed homosexuals

If homophobes are repressed homosexuals

Does that mean Coulrophobes are repressed clowns?


I feel like this notion was a kind of pop culture meme going around in the 90s and early 2000s, and I'm not sure that there's any real scientific basis for it..


Well, some serious efforts were made to at least explore the phenomenon.
Also, projection is actually a thing in the field of psychology.


I don't think you can generalize these things (although there have been studies). I know personally I used to be a homophobe, then I experimented with bisexuality in my early 20's (which ironically seemed to greatly improve my sex life with FEMALES). It wasn't for me ultimately, so I went back to being straight and I was no longer a homophobe. In fact, the whole concept of homophobia seems silly to me now. Who the hell cares what adults a person chooses to have sex with?

I am afraid of clowns though, so maybe I should try becoming a clown for awhile?

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


I think thats more of an age thing, as you get older, you realize the world is bigger than just you. And thus you become more understanding of other peoples decisions.


I have arachnophobia.


You're not secretly a spider are you?

If it does not scary you know movie will- IMDB user


never feel any guilt or shame about wearing clown's clothing if you enjoy clown-dressing, and that goes for the therian who thinks he's a spider too.


I'm Xenophobic - I'm terrified of Xena, Warrior Princess (and am secretly her)

No Guru, No Method, No Teacher.
