Films like this?

I really liked American Beauty and was wondering if there are any other films similar to it.


Smile (1975) come to mind. Discontent with middle-class life.


Fight Club, Falling Down, American Psycho have some similar themes.



The War at Home even though it deals in a bit of a different subject. It even does that same Ordinary People dining room shot!


little children with kate winslet.



Magnolia - which also came out that same year 1999. I highly recommend that one. In fact, I love Magnolia more than American Beauty.

It follows the life of people and how imperfect they are. Tom Cruise is gold in that film.


I love Magnolia more than American Beauty.
I'm with you on that, pinokiyo... Magnolia has aged well, while I can't say the same for American Beauty. - at least, to me, basing that on the fact that American Beauty USED to be a favorite of mine, but has faded out. It's a good performance by Kevin Spacey. Magnolia was and still is one of of my favorite films. Tom Cruise is good; EVERYONE is good in Magnolia.


Ordinary People

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.
