'borrowed' stories
I've become a fan of this show, but I've noticed that the writers seemed to be short on ideas from time to time:
Doppelanger: Backstep spilts Parker into two different people. This has been done on Star Trek a few times.
Last Card Up: Cult compound under seige. Obviously taken from the Waco/Branch Davidian incident.
Last Breath: Russian submarine leaking radiation. Sounds alot like K19: The Widow Maker.
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: A cranky old Adrimal comandeers command of a U.S. Navy warship, and ends up on the brink of war with China. This one has elements of Moby Dick, The Kane Mutiny, and Crimson Tide in it.
Time Gremlin: A gremiln hitches a ride with Parker on a backstep. This may be a bit of a reach, but the gremlin reminded me of the one that haunted William Shatner in the Twilight Zone episode: Terror at 20,000 feet.
Brother, can you spare a bomb?: The "ameribomber" (Ramsey's brother), was obviously based on the "unibomber", Ted Kazinski.
Pope Parker: Parker backsteps into the body of the Pope. This might also be a reach, but this one might have been an homage to Quantum Leap.
The Cure: Cure for cancer mutates into a deadly virus. As mentioned in another thread here, sounds alot like I Am Legend. Just for the record, I Am Legend was a novel written in the '50's I believe.
The Final Countdown: Parker tries to stop a nuclear missle launch that was based on bad/lack of information. This one is Crimson Tide without the submarine.
I have yet to see all 66 episodes, nor have I seen every T.V. show or movie ever made. Therefore I may have missed a few. Any thoughts?