
I'm impressed. I just watched the show from start to end and must say...they were VERY good at answering all questions that someone might have about time travel.

They answer all questions about what happens to Frank and the sphere as well as deal with alternate realities and the fuel source.

Overall, I am very impressed with thier logic.

The ONLY logic fallacy that I could find is the episode where Frank claims he is getting younger every time he backsteps. They mention this in one episode then don't cover it again. My own logic would say he should be getting older since he lives an extra 7 days each time he backsteps that no one else lives. I wish this last logic fallacy had been explained to make the show perfect.


I have got all three seasons on download and seen up to 14 so far.
It was on BBC 2 ages ago but they only show a few from season 1.

Its not a bad show to.

MY Forum < >


I thought he said he was getting older in that episode


Nope...definitly said he was getting younger.


I'm pretty sure he says both.

That from a logical point of view he's getting older because he lives an extra seven days,

But then he says something and Olga finishes his sentence for him, something about...I want to say "traveling at the speed of light". In other words, taking something like the theory of relativity into it, it actually means he's getting younger from a scientific point of view.

All I know is that Olga agrees with him.


They do mention both. Frank says he's living an extra 7 days compared to everyone else and concludes he'll be aging like 20% faster than normal.

But then he also says he's travelling at the speed of light during the backsteps so he might actually be getting younger according to Einstein.

Olga says something like "might as well believe in the positive."
