Wonderful.....except for....
I have just watched this made-for-TV Series for the first time in almost 50 years.
I recently purchased the DVD collection, after re-reading Daniel Defoe's wonderful novel about a month or so back.
I don't have many complaints with the production, and given it's age, there are only the one or two odd glitches in the video, and the sound is somewhat muted on a couple of the later episodes, but that is to be expected, after all these years.....
However, one (seemingly) glaring error, was that by the time that Robinson and Friday thwart the pirates, and rescue the captain of the English ship, which enables their escape, the narration states that the castaways had been on the island for nine years, and yet in the book, it was twenty eight.....
The series then ends abruptly, without going into any real details about Crusoe's re-acquisition of wealth from his plantations, or the return to the island, although that is briefly mentioned in the closing narration.
Apart from that major fault though, it is a very good rendition of the tale, and I would recommend it to anyone who has ever had any sense of adventure.
***************Possible Spoiler****************
The death of Dick, Crusoe's dog, almost wrenched my heart out, even though I already knew that it was coming....
The Opener of the Way is waiting....