did u like the ring drop scene?

i have to watch it again to see how well paced, directed it was since but was the big payoff scene. i remember it being heavy cg with gollum and the lava and stuff. maybe should have actually dropped a ring into real lava would have been more fur-filling.?


It was better than the ghost army.


totally agree


Besides the difficulty in finding real magma that would look right (not to mention safety concerns), there's also the problem that Gollum dissolving into it wouldn't have looked convincing.


It was adequate but did resemble the end of T2. Like everything in Return of the King, it was drawn out, and had 27 endings.


I love the humming sound that plays when the ring hits the magma and then it slowly dissolves. If the ring had just plopped into the magma with a tiny little ‘ploop’ splash it would have been pretty bad for film.
