Philip in Interstate 60

Hello Everyone:
I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet but I was wondering if someone who has seen the movie could help me out. Could you tell me a bit more about the character Philip? He is played by one of my favourite actors, Tyler Kyte, and I wan't to know more about this role. For example, how big a part, what's his character like, what does Philip (Tyler) do in the movie. That sort of thing. If anyone can help that would be great!


Tyler Kyte's character, Philip, is addicted by an imaginary drug. His mother wantd to find her boy, and she finally finds him in a disco, and he totally rejects her, disrespects her, all he wants his the drug called "Euphoria". He appears about 3 minutes in the movie. Hope this helps :-D


Great, thanks!
I can't wait to see it.


you're welcome doublebagger :-)

