MovieChat Forums > Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road (2003) Discussion > I truely believe people love it, or they...

I truely believe people love it, or they just don't get it.

I can't believe all of the ridiculous statements I've heard stated about this movie.

The drug scene, it's not anti-drug, or pro-drug, or "right wing", though it is borderline Libertarian (obviously it is under government control in the movie, hence borderline.). They legalize it, the price goes down, and so does the crime because they can have a place to do it. The drug is safer because it's purer, and you know what you are getting. The black market is gone. The drug dealers are gone. The war on drugs is gone. They stopped imprisoning people and put them to work (more economical). They don't recommend it, but they don't force you to stop. Kurt Russell say's basically that when it was illegal it created more problems than they had once they made it legal. They didn't say drug users are bad or good, they just said that Euphoria wasn't good for you physically, and that it was addictive. They mentioned that it wasn't for everyone, but that everyone has a choice. There also was no blanket statement that said all drugs are bad, or, etc. For anyone who said this movie is a shallow movie intended to make stupid people feel intellectual, I say that it is you who needed the volumes of information that is contained in this movie to be spoon fed to you literally so that you could comprehend it. As the movie stated, you can't see what is really there. Maybe you never will, but I sure hope not just for the sake of everything we see, but for the sake of everything that is (whatever that is) that you grow.

The sex scene, it's not anti-slut, it's not pro-slut. It was anti-selfish, anti-arrogant-egotistical-narcissist. You've got the right to do what you want. Neil wasn't into "just" sexual satisfaction. He wanted a whole package, and that's his prerogative. He didn't degrade her, he DID feel satisfaction in knowing that he would be "the one" she always wondered about, and that did get him off. But he only brought that up after she turned into a biA*ch and decided to show her true colors (what you finally get a chance at a real woman and you wimp out, or whatever she said). Yeah, attack you brainless self absorbed baby, but hey, she's good to look at... with the volume down. She sounded a lot like Charlie Sheen when he doesn't get his way. Just because you've never heard no before doesn't mean you're all that. I've met women like that. Total skanks, hot, but totally selfish and self interested, then in the sack they continue with the same, and have no clue how to please (it takes two to tango, and if you don't give, you'll never receive what she was looking for). Women like that tend to be really, really, REALLY lousy lays. I always thought practice makes better, but when all you practice is how to get yours, you end up not even being good at that. Her character was gross because of who she was, not because of her sexual endeavors. This had nothing to do with preaching abstinence, it had to do with WHO YOU ARE, and if that is pushing a MORAL VIEW and you still think it's wrong then you are a total loser.

Anyway, I need to go now, but I'll leave you with my analysis of two of the scenes, and wrap it up. This movie isn't pushing an agenda, unless you let it, or your looking a the world through rose colored glasses. You need to see it for what it is, but that could be a little to deep for some. I'm sorry to all the morons who still have so many questions for me. I could go on, and on, but it could take a lifetime, and then, you still might not get it. Go watch Waking Life, stop bitching, and open your mind. This movie wasn't bad. It was unpolished. It felt a little low budget. I thought James Marsden seemed dull and lifeless, and that another actor could have played this part much better. It flowed a little funny at times, and could have used a better director, but the premise was excellent. Throw Robert Zemeckis in there and it might have been phenomenal. I appreciate Bob Gale for his good points, and they are very good. He just isn't a one man band, and the producers/Fireworks pictures can take some blame for the movies successes, and failures.


I, personally, thought this was a phenomenal movie!

The message, of course, is fairly obvious when Marsden throws the 8-ball off a cliff: You choose your own answer.


I agree with your rundown of the drug/sex scenes, He's making a slight at peoples personal choices, not the actions themselves, I thought it was fairly obvious. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, though I felt that Garry Oldman carried it.

"Is it dead?"-David Della Rocco
