What's in his pants?

How do you people think — what's so scary in O.W.Grant's pants?


I think the scary part is supposedly what is not in his pants (as O.W. Grant, naturally) that most other men have.
Have you seen this movie?

Les mots sont les fils comportant la tapisserie de la vie.
A. Freimann


If you want to see what they didn't show you in "Interstate 60" see Kevin Smith's "Dogma". Alan Rickman pulls sorta the same joke, but he shows you.

Seriously, though, if you want to know about what's in O. W. Grant's pants, well, he says it right before Neil decides to take a look. Use your imagination. ;)

I would say it was more of a surprise (to the slut) than a scare.

My message board: http://www.DarkRealityMB.com


Given her character, I can see a man that she can't lead around by the parts O.W. grant was missing being absolutely terrifying to her. Look how upset she got that Neil, a man she just met (and who could have been married for all she knew) turned her down.


I'm guessing it's the same as Old Greg's got:


I'm guessing its just alot of scar tissue. It was cut off and an area that size would take a LONG time to heal.


Was only his... you know... cut off, or were his... you knows... gone too?

- I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul!
- Swallow this.





Just noticed the sig atliens81...

Idiocracy is a gem!

"I deal in U.S. pounds, friend. None of that *beep* metric *beep* for me." Pooh Bear (Salton Sea)


Yes, Idiocracy is a frequent view in my home.

Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


A pipe with a monkey head


GO: http://www.freeweb.hu/garyoldman/index.htm


you made my day
