Anymore movies like this?
I remember a friend showed this to me and I loved it from start to finish. Then later after I graduated from college, I went through a phase of confusion and self -discovery and remembered watching this film before so I popped it in and watched it again...and again...and again. It's one of my favorites. The beauty of this film is that you can always pick up some new pearl of wisdom each time viewing it. It never gets stale. Not only is it refreshing and enlightening, but much like numerous other reviewers have stated, it's fun to watch. Thus I was wondering if anybody has any recommendations of similar movies. I enjoy existential-themed movies so long as they're not too dry in content and material. Existential-themed movies should be serious, but they should also be engaging at the same time. Otherwise, you'll be too busy sleeping throughout the movie to be able to pick up on the messages. Any recommendations would be much appreciated.