Least favorite episodes?

I think there really aren't any "bad" episodes. However, there are some I don't like as much as the others.

"Strike Too" (It lacked some humor, also I felt bad for Doug)
"Inner Tube" (pretty boring)
"Departure Time" (I enjoy the episodes with Dougs parents, however, I don't really like this episode)
"Hi, School" (could have more jokes)
"Hartford Wailer" (a bit boring)

Also, some episodes of seasons 1 and 9 felt pretty boring sometimes, too.

However, some seem to dislike the series finale, but while I think it's not one of the series best episodes, I thought it was quite decent and it seems received much better compared to other finales of recent sitcoms.

Which episodes are your choices?


I don't like Hungry Man at all, mainly because it doesn't fit how Doug would behave in other episodes. Obviously the situations in that episode are deliberately contrived to create a humorous scenario, but it is just too unrealistic to think that Doug couldn't have grabbed a snack at any point. Carrie didn't even know he was coming, so he wouldn't have been considered late had he just stopped for some food before getting to the apartment. I guess the excuse is that he thought it was a dinner party, but it turned out to be just drinks.

But it's his sheer desperation and behaviour, it's too much. I'm sure we have all been in a situation where we have missed a meal and are ravenous, but surely none of us would resort to eating a whole pack of mints belonging to a stranger and then eating raw eggs. Surely he could have waited a couple of hours and then gone nuts at a drive thru on the way home.


I agree with all of these with "Inner Tube" being tbe worst of the bunch. Also, the last few eps of the series (Manhattan Project, Single Spaced, China Syndromes) which really ruined the final season. I wish I could unwatch these.

A few others would be the one with Jon Favreau and ANY with Ray Romano. The one with Adam Sandler was lame. Half of "Apt Complex" was good but Kirstie Alley's appearance ruined her half of the episode. So pretty much any where they brought in a "special" guest star.

The first couple when Carrie had a sister were not good. The paintball episode was lame. Also, I didn't really care for the 2 parter where they go camping and get stranded on the island without a canoe. Generally, when sitcoms go "on location" it kills the funny. And it's really dumb when they still have the laugh track in those scenes.


I quite like the Favreau episode and the Rayging Bulls episode, but in general I would agree that the guest star episodes are worse than when they just have the regular cast that we know and love.

I also hated the last few episodes as long term characters acted completely out of character to set up a finale. I don't think at any other point in the series would Carrie have left without Doud and I don't think Spence would have behaved the way he did.

I mentioned the same point in a Friends forum about the off location episodes, in Friends I didn't really enjoy the London, Vegas or Barbados specials. The same in this show, the episodes you mention I did not like as much, the paintball episode was appalling bar one hilarious line from Deacon.


... the paintball episode was appalling bar one hilarious line from Deacon.

What line?


It's only two words, but it's the context and delivery.

It's early in the episode when they are planning the arrangements for Paintball.l

Richie is explaining to Deacon about his previous liaison with Stephanie. He finishes by saying something like 'here's the kicker, I never called her' And Deacon merely says 'get out'.

I guess you have to see it, it doesn't sound funny explaining in text, but within the right context it is hilarious.


Yes, I remember it.

Deacon was being sarcastic.


I don't like Hungry Man at all, mainly because it doesn't fit how Doug would behave in other episodes. Obviously the situations in that episode are deliberately contrived to create a humorous scenario, but it is just too unrealistic to think that Doug couldn't have grabbed a snack at any point. Carrie didn't even know he was coming, so he wouldn't have been considered late had he just stopped for some food before getting to the apartment. I guess the excuse is that he thought it was a dinner party, but it turned out to be just drinks.

I could relate to Hungry Man, because my father would turn into a grizzly bear if he didn't eat dinner precisely at 5pm. We had to schedule dinners out around his appetite. Whether he had a huge lunch or not, come 5pm there had better be a dinner nearby, or run and hide.

My own husband made me crazy at a wedding recently, when he knew we were leaving the house at 3:15pm, and he chose not to eat up to then. He was constantly complaining to me about how famished he was, and asking when dinner was, like a 6 year old. I just kept hissing "you should have eaten lunch!"

Gee Woodle, Space Kadoodle!


There are some weak episodes, most of which are already mentioned.

For me, they include:

* some of the early episodes (Season 1);

* some of the late episodes (Season 9);

* the paintball episode;

* the "Hungry Man" episode;

* the Thanksgiving supermarket shopping episode;

* most of the Ray Romano episodes; and

* a few others, here and there.

But I also notice that even the "bad" episodes have some hysterical scenes or lines thrown in there.

Also: good point about the "on location" issue. I think they get so focused (and excited) about being "away" from the set. And they think that they audience is going to get so excited about it, too. (In reality, the audience couldn't care less, most likely.) So, the producers/writers/actors focus less on the quality/humor of that episode.

And guest stars seem to be a ploy that detracts from -- rather than adds to -- the quality and the humor. Although I thought that Kirstie Alley was quite hysterical. Her episode, "Apartment Complex", is in my Top Ten or even Top Five.


Yes, I agree that "Inner Tube" is not funny, but "Better Camera" is worse, the way Doug carried on about that cheap camera he bought Carrie for Christmas, could have been written a lot better.


Inner tube, silent mite and the thanksgiving episode where they let the stranger inside to use the bathroom he then locked them out and robbed them.


I am usually disconnected to episodes where sports play a part in the plot. Except for bowling, those are funny.

Is it Kirbed Enthusiasm, where Doug coaches Kirby's football team? boring.

I also don't get into Paint Misbehavin'. Or the one where Doug is a Big Brother. That kid is such a dullard.

But it's true, even the worst episodes have funny moments.

Gee Woodle, Space Kadoodle!


I'm obviously in the minority here, but I like "Hungry Man"! Yes, it's contrived, and I wouldn't put it in my top 10, but it has many hilarious moments. One episode I really dislike is also food-related ... the one where Doug becomes a vegetarian. Totally out of character -- and not in a funny way.


Yeah, about the only funny part in that ep is when Doug pulls out his glasses, Carrie breaks them in half, and he then pulls out another pair.

One thing I really hated about that episode is when they go to the party and Carrie is wearing the dress made from hemp and she's wearing her hair pulled tight and BLACK lipstick. BLACK lipstick. That was the most hideous she ever looked ever in all the episodes ever. BLACK lipstick. BLACK.


The sub-plot is hysterical where Carrie is forced to read the 800 page book (The Contortionist's Daughter) that her boss gives to her in the elevator.


The first 100 pages are a little rough, but once you figure out it's meant to be allegorical, it moves right along.


I'm watching "S ain't Valentines" right now, and although the episode itself isn't too bad, the woman who plays Spencer's mom is AWFUL. Definitely my least favorite character ever on this show. Grating loud obnoxious and painted up like a $3 hooker.


The actress isn't bad.

It's the character/writing that was just plain awful.

The actress was served a huge injustice.

The writers obviously saw that what they had created didn't work, so they rebooted the entire character. They gave her a new personality and hired a new actress for the role.


Yeah, that new actress Meara was also in that episode.




Any episode involving the Saskey's. The woman's voice is SO irritating. The gynecologist episode. The season 1 Christmas episode where Arthur somehow bought Doug and Carrie a car and then they ditched it. I didn't care for the Richie character either. The paint ball episode. Seems like a lot of people hate that one. It's boring and not funny. And the season finale.


Yeah I hate the Saskeys, such a badly written thing and every episode with them is a total chore. I also didn't like Richie, such a lame character. He is basically just a carbon copy of Joey from friends without the sweet side which was Joey's only redeeming feature.


I want to take the episode "Inner Tube", when Doug dreams he's on the freaking Honeymooners and Brian's Song and General Hospital (or Days of Our Lives or All My Children or whatever stupid soap opera it is), and put a bullet in its head in a field and dump the body and cover it with lime to prevent a stench. The worst episode of television in the history of moving pictures.

I would then take the last few episodes of the show (concerning moving to Manhattan and adopting a freaking kid), and run them through a wood chipper (twice!) until all that remained was a pulpy, viscous substance that could never be identified and never ever never be repeated.


and General Hospital (or Days of Our Lives or All My Children or whatever stupid soap opera it is),

It was Young & Restless.

Gee Woodle, Space Kadoodle!


I actually liked the Sacksky episodes, especially when Doug falls for the pyramid scheme involving water filters (and their licenses).

Also, there is the episode ("Swim Neighbors") where a storm blows down the fence between the Heffernans and the Sackskys. They get into a neighbor dispute during which Carrie builds an even higher fence and the Sackskys install a pool overlooking the Heffernan's back yard. This was one of the better episodes of the entire series.


Bryan Cranston played Tim Sacksky, and anything that man plays in is classic, so I love the Sackskys in all those episodes they are in, Swim Neighbors, The water filter one and the one where the dog keeps them up all night. Oh, and the one where they are separating and Richie has an affair with Dorothy.

Gee Woodle, Space Kadoodle!


Yes, I agree. The Sacksky episodes were quite funny.


Oooooooookay, let's see:

The aforementioned "Hungry Man". I know it's a largely irreverent comedy, but Doug completely losing his sanity and getting out of control because he can't wait an hour or so to eat? Way to over the top, even for him, and not funny. Not to mention that at this early point in the series it was pretty much out of character for him to act like that.

"Major Disturbance". Possible contender for my least favorite of the series; this is my "change the channel when it comes on" episode. I've always found Deacon's kids a bit annoying (like father, like sons, perhaps? Never mind, different topic), but Doug's obsession and idiotic actions really make this a tiresome episode. Carrie assaulting Doug at the end (by real world standards, that's what it was — assault) seals it. Never liked that double standard; would the audience be laughing if their positions were reversed?

"Like Hell". I always seem to catch this one, and it's yet another one where Doug is painful, similar to "Major Disturbance". Doug becomes obsessed with something and does a bunch of moronic stuff trying to get his way while annoying and inconveniencing everyone around him, instead of going for the incredibly obvious solution (want to get invited to the guy's barbecue? Try — oh, I don't know — asking him? Before you freak him out and he doesn't want you near him?) Carrie's subplot was kind of cringeworthy too, at least the end of it.

Those stand out to me at the moment, but there are more.
