MovieChat Forums > Thriller (1973) Discussion > Why an 18s or R rated DVD Collection

Why an 18s or R rated DVD Collection

Ive just bought the new 16 disc Network DVD collection and Im a little confused.
Why does it have a 18s Cert in this day and age, Hammers anthology series have both been released with with 15 certs and are a lot more visceral in style.
Anyone got any clues?


I've been wondering exactly the same thing ... maybe there's something in one of the episodes that warrants an 18 cert, but I'm halfway through disc 6, and so far nothing ... ??


I think it was just a typo.

Candyman "Be My Victim"


Maybe because of the 5 second scene of Judy Carne running around in her little nightie? (man she looked good). Actually the whole series should be general audience. Very tame, by any standards.....


The 18 rating is just laughable!
Even the amorous embraces fade away or the camera pans to a sideboard!
Brilliant series though, got the Box set entire collection, worth every penny.


i kind of assumed that the distributors went to the bbfc and said... look - we've got hours upon hours of stuff for you to certify - it's going to cost us a fortune (the bbfc charge by per minute of footage).
they came to some sort of agreement that they could just release it on the condition they gave it an 18 - unseen.
i dont know if that's what happened - it's just a guess


The "18" was purely a precautionary rating applied to the box and disk artwork by Network which was produced "in a rush" to get the set to market as early as possible. There are other errors on the artwork .. the box says "15 disk set" and very late - due to extra material being included - a 16th disk was added to the set. This is also the reason the sticker with the final "extras" material was placed on the box which was produced well before the final lineup was tied down.

For the record the devil worship story "A Place to Die" was rated "15" by the BBFC due to the satanic themes and possibly the "hunting down of the niece in the woods" in the teaser sequence. All the other stories are rated "PG" or "12". So the box should be rated "15".

Here are some BBFC details:



Don't pay any attention to 'dominicmay', he's just jealous he didn't grow up watching this. His opinions are typical of young first time viewers, accustomed to MTV garbage like "24", not real and good TV. :)


I agree, I enjoyed watching these when I was young. Much better than the mind-numbing rubbish churned out these days.

"You give me back my ball... I'll give you yours" - Viggo Mortensen in Renny Harlin's 'Prison'



Yep .. read my earlier posting above for the answer


I think an '18' rating must have been given, because of one particular episode where a man has blood on his hands, then gets killed. It could be the episode with Bradford Dillman as a blind man.

Another reason could be the episode Screamer. Although not very graphic, this is about a rape and there is one scene where Pamela Franklin has a bit of blood and bruising on her face. Probably the most harrowing Thriller episode.


Just replaced my boxet after the first was stolen. The set has now been classed as 15 on all the discs. There does not appear to be anything taken out of the episodes on a second viewing.

Matthew Earp should of gotten his own series.

A Naked American Man Stole My Balloons!


Yes, the set is now a 15, and Matthew Earp should have goddamn got his own series!... the guys a legend!

Someone stole your boxset!!, i think you may be moving in the wrong circles.


I leant it to a mate, next thing i know he took a teaching job in Japan.

A Naked American Man Stole My Balloons!


Cert 18? Ha! Only seen series one so far, but even most of the married couples have separate beds.


I think it's either simple laziness by the BBFC - or a marketing ploy by the distributors. The modern viewer would be expecting lashings of gore, sex, and profanity. S/he'll be disappointed. Since these programmes were deliberately made with the American market in view, they're coy even by British standards in the Seventies. Married couples sleeping in separate beds, for instance! Off the top of my head, I'd rank maybe the majority of the episodes at PG, quite a few at 12, and perhaps only a couple at 15. There's nothing 'deserving' (if that's the right word) an 18. We tend to forget how far we have gone (I'd hardly say 'progressed') in 40 odd years. I just watched 'The Loved Ones,' which would certainly have been cut 15 (or maybe only 10) years ago. 20 or 25 years ago, it would not have been certified at all. Watching a few editions of supposedly 18-rated 'Thriller' after that was light relief.
