Why Raunchy Comedies Barely Exist These Days
However, there are several reasons why audiences haven’t been treated to a slew of R-rated goodness recently. One of the biggest reasons is that we’re living in times of cancel culture and wokeism. Remember that rape joke of Todd wanting to play Tummy Sticks with Jeremy? Nope, that joke wouldn’t work in 2022. Sixteen Candles has Judd Nelsons’ character sexualize Molly Ringwald’s character for comedic effect. Hell, Ted violates a heavily intoxicated girl. Homophobic jokes, sex jokes, or racist jokes – people blasted Robert Downey for playing black face in the satire Tropic Thunder. Times have changed and Hollywood is weary about releasing these types of movies under the current culture. Seth Rogen – one of the kings of raunchy humor – pretty much revealed the mindset of what a vocal audience thinks, “There are certain jokes that for sure have no aged well, but I think that’s the nature of comedy. I think conceptually those movies are sound, and I think there’s a reason they’ve as far as people still watching and enjoying them today. Jokes are not things that necessarily are built to last.” Is this a fair assessment? Are there jokes told in 1990 that just doesn’t work in today’s society? Yes, I would consider jokes aimed at popular culture of a certain period of time under that category. A popular culture reference from the 1980s isn’t going to resonate with someone who’s watching the movie for the first time in 2022. However, comedy is subjective.share