
does anyone have any theories as to why steven just walked off in the end? it's left so open that it almost confused me a little. the only thing i can think of is that he can't be with john until john can come to terms with himself. but i don't think thats right. help. thanx
ps- i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie!

"You're the ruler of the galaxy! Show a little taste!"
Ed Wood


I kind of thought that too.

Ijust thought that Steven could not be with someone who was ashamed of what they were, until they had fully accepted themselves.


I would say that is pretty much it, John is at a very different place than Steve in terms of accepting of oneself, Steve would be held back if he stayed with John, and clearly they can not be together at that point, and I would think at all. It was a great relationship, but how often do first relationships last forever? Especially queer ones.


Steven knew that John couldn't handle anyone else knowing about their relationship. John had even said that if anyone found out, it was off. So toward the end, when John realized that the relationship was becoming known, he panicked, even to the extent of physically attacking Steven in front of the athletes. At this point, Steven must have known that the relationship was essentially over. Feeling he had nothing more to lose, Steven came out to the entire school.

After the assembly, when Steven and John are talking outside, Steven says something to the effect of, "Johnny, you realize what I've done?" He's told the whole school he's gay, which -- considering John's insecurity -- means there is no way the relationship can continue.


I think when Steven says to John, "you realise what I've just done?" Steven is saying to John that he's not only outed himself but JOhn as well. Everyone was on the verge (sp?) of discovering their 'secret' and when Steven told the school everyone must of guessed that John was gay as well.


I personally think that they will end up getting together. It will just take time for John to cope with the fact that his lover is now public. Even though they may just keep it secret for a while, there is no way that John can be away from Steve considering the fact that he loves him so much. They both love each other with burning passions. In time, they will be together again.


It's not happening and it never will. Steven has come to his senses and says, "Be well" to John. I think that what he was wishing him to be happy in his own skin, but that Steven had other fish to fry. Bravo for Steven-- hope he finds happiness because he is so self-actualized and deserves it.

Don't you snap your finger at ME, lady.


Steven walked off, because quite simply, he outgrew John and all his internal homophobic crap. How many of us have been in similar situations??

This movie should be on a list of young gay dude's 'have to view' top ten....

~Wanna know what the face of God looks like, look in the mirror. Deism will rock your world!~


<< This movie should be on a list of young gay dude's 'have to view' top ten.... >>

What other movies are in the 'have to view' top 10? We have seen Maurice, and loved it. I would prefer films that are available on DVD, or at least seen on American movie channels occasionally. Anybody?


For me, my top 10 'have to view' gay-themed movies would include Beautiful Thing, Twilight of the Golds, and Latter Days. All of these titles have a gay theme at their cores, but they all deal with other issues as well. They are well acted and well rounded, in that they contain elements of drama, humor, and genuine love, but they go easy on the sex scenes (there's plenty of porn out there for that). These are all available on DVD.


First place: Juste une question d'amour (Just a Question of Love)
Very very good movie...
Then: Beautiful Thing; Come Undone; A home at the end of the world


Definitely "Edge of Seventeen."


ah ok just saw this thread, I've never understood the ending myself, if john admitted that, I wouldn't leave him!


Aside from movies, try the LOGO channel (I thinkg that's the name). It's on Comcast ch 146


yes it's logo. logo's my life. :] haha. but yeah, it shows a lot of REALLY good movies.

"I wish I knew how to quit you"-Jack Twist


For Todd Victor Leone:

"By George I think he's got it! He's got it! He's got it!" And you're not even Rex Harrison. "Yes, I think he's got it!"

Hoping not to bore anyone with personal tales, let me just say that I was a gay teenager in the 1950's, so I found this film compelling and wonderful.

Here's looking at you, kid.


Hello there ny1520,
It left me wondering also! I had a few ideas in my head after the movie ended!
If you go onto Ben Silverstones web site there are stories/plots written by fans of the movie, of what happend after Steven walked away. You should check it out.

Get Real is a wonderful movie and reminded me of my days of going to school in England.

Take care,


'Get Real'
When Steven Carter followed John Dixon to the track field
and was about to sit down.......
John Dixon stands up and says 'Oh, God! Did any one follow you?'
The paranoia was running rampant in this prat.
Steven replies 'No'.
John Dixon shouts to Steven, "Do you know what you did back there?!
Do you know what you did to me?!"
He is furious, angry and then John Dixon stomps off the field!
Steven Carter now can get on with his life. Steven can "Be Happy".
Good riddance! John Dixon.

Steven Robert Marchio


But John never shouted or did anything that cruel. In fact, John tries to be affectionate and apologizes to Steven, but Steven just pulls away. John does understand what Steven did in there, but he just isn't ready to come out.

And as for the theories, there were signs that the relationship would not last. I mean, come on, that whole Romeo and Juliet thing was too obvious. The class even had a discussion about the two character "lying to their families because they had to." John even asks Steven why he lied about being gay when Kevin called him queer and Steven just says that they are lying "to protect other people." Then you have Steven's confrontation with John after John's date with Christina. Damn it, why can't these two end up together. It is just so annoying because I have been watching Get Real all this summer and every time it comes to the last scene on the track field, I can't help but expect John to run after Steven and kiss him in public. Please make a sequel. I don't care about their ages or how much time has passed, just make a sequel.


This was just one of many possible endings,
that is what this topic was all about...a Theory.
I switched the dialogue around and had John Dixon
say those lines because his actions warranted it.
Even though Dixon did not say it in the film,
he in effect did, by doing nothing at all.
It was way, way too late for any affection
or an apology from John Dixon.

He just sat there like a stone block and
just nodded to Steven that he knew Steven was out
and John Dixon could not deal with that at all.
I have watched this film often and written alot
about it and John Dixon was very cruel to Steven
many times over.
You've never noticed any of this?

Take a look at the ending or the script
and John panicked at the end and said,
'My God, did anyone follow you?!'
Dixon was still paranoid and Steven had
to pull away because it was over with
long before this scene.
Any trust was lost, and long gone.
So Steven is now the villain?!
He had every reason to pull away.
Did you forget the beating he gave Steven?
Just one physical attack on someone you
supposedly love, is blatantly wrong.
This is NOT love.

Steven rightfully turned away from John
after his lame attempts at an apology and more excuses.
Worse yet, he continues to lie about how much he loves Steven.
It is ridiculous to believe a word Dixon says.
It is not how he 'feels' or what he says, it is his actions
and deeds, not words, that shows 'love'.

Dixon's actions spoke volumes.
John told Steven,
'How can you like yourself if you deny who you are?'
John Dixon had to eat those words.
He was the one denying who he was and
disliking himself in the process.

Why would Steven Carter admit he was gay
to a prat like Kevin Granger or say anything
to him about his personal life?!
Granger was John Dixon's 'mate' not Steven's.
Steven was out to his friend Linda,
he told her years before he was gay
and he was sexually active unlike Dixon.

Steven says to John,
'Why don't we tell everyone.'
Steven calls Dixon's bluff and
Dixon backs off by saying in effect,
'Don't you dare!' (tell anyone.)
The real question is:
Why isn't John Dixon telling Kevin Granger
he is gay, not Steven.
The whole idea is ludicrous.

Steven Carter should of said to Dixon,
'You tell Kevin your a fag.'
John Dixon lectures Steven about honesty?
What a pathetic joke!

The scene where Steven confronts John Dixon
outside Dixon's house, after being stood up by John.
Listen carefully to what Steven is saying:
'John, you won't talk to me at school,
your ashamed to be seen with me and
you won't admit we are friends'.
This isn't love, pal!

The John says the line you want to believe
but eventually realize it is a falsehood.
"Steven, I love you".
Steven's reaction is exactly right,
'How do I know that?'
You cannot believe a word John says.
I wanted to.
I am sucker for sappy, sentimental claptrap.
This is reality.
This movie portrays relationships
in a most brutal and painful manner.


But you can't say that John never loved Steven I mean look at what he did. He told Steven that he would do anything to prove that he loved him. John gives up the semblance of a heterosexual life by dumping his girlfriend, talking to Steven at school, not being afraid of Kevin seeing him with Steven. I mean, come on. Steven himself lived his life on the down low. If he really wanted to, he could have asked John to prove his love by admitting that he was gay, but Steven didn't ask John to do that. Steven didn't want to come out because when the two go to Steven's house for the first time, Steven even said that he wouldn't tell his parents because he would be gutted. The two shared something romantic, but they didn't share it with anyone. I felt that it was love. That is open to interpretation, but I still felt that it was love.

You make very valid points, and I do agree that John didn't show his love by beating Steven, but I have my own opinion just like you. In some movies, the realistic ending works, like in Gone With the Wind, where Rhett leaves Scarlett; In Casablanca where Rick tells Ilsa to leave with her husband; In La Dolce Vita where Marcello decides to destroy himself rather than receive salvation; and the list goes on and on. But when your 17 like I am, hope is the only thing that you can hold onto. These two gave me that kind of hope for true love, and then they just took it away. I loved this movie, and the ending does fit for what happened, but I just long for more.

Like Gilda Radner said on Saturday Night Live, "Let me have my dreams. Dreams are like paper, they tear so easily."


It never was my intention to imply that Steven Carter and John Dixon
did not have strong feelings and affection for one another.
Whether this was love, it is very hard to say.
I did not intend to sound so rough in my message.

John was very cruel to Steven and when you said
he hadn't been as cruel to Steven as my theory indicated.
I got very riled.
I have become very cynical, jaded and harsh in my later years.

In the early scenes of the film there is very definite
feeling of love of sorts in the air.
In fact, Steven had a long held crush or attraction towards Dixon,
never dreaming that he would have a chance in
the universe to be with him.

I have written on this board about my favorite scene and
that is the one when John Dixon (who is very drunk)
visits Steven in his room after the dance/ball.
When John turns to Steven for comfort and empathy, they embrace
and hold one another.
This is as close to love as you'll ever see. Great scene.

The other scene is outside Dixon's home, Dixon pleads with
Steven for another chance.
Oddly, Steven would do anything to keep John Dixon in his life,
so here John is begging for another chance?!
Steven embraces John, John says, 'You need a shave'.
Steven, (he also is very drunk) and soaking wet, like a stray dog,
says 'I shaved last month.'
Very funny and touching.
I loved it when they hugged.

All of this occurred in the first half of the film.
Before it all self destructed and imploded
in the film's last act, which I rarely watch anymore.

Outside the Dixon home, Steven also says to John,
'It can't work, John. I can't stand it.'
Steven pushes, prods and forces John to make a stronger effort in this
early stage of their relationship.
It cannot continue with the way it was going.

John Dixon was like a Jekyll and Hyde character, he seem to be
fine at night when he and Steven would get together
and have their romantic moments.
During the day, John Dixon was cold, mean and indifferent to Steven.

It was the least that John could do was for him to
talk to Steven at school and drop the phony girlfriend.
Kevin appeared at Dixon's house by accident and he is very
uncomfortable seeing Steven and John in the pool.
Maybe, even jealousy.

This is where John does seem to be very at ease with the relationship,
even though he always seemed to fear being 'found' out.

Kevin was not invited to his house, so what was John to do,
keep Steven under water until he left?

John had very difficult time adjusting to this new found relationship.
Steven had been accepting his sexual identity for years.
So I can't be too hard on John Dixon,
after all, this was a new experience for him.
It was also new to Steven, he never was in a relationship.

I don't believe it was necessary for Steven to push John into
saying he was gay.
Steven knew he was gay and their relationship said as much,
and I don't believe they had to put a label on it.

If he had pushed John too hard he might have caused a bigger rift.
For Steven to tell his parents early on,
would of been futile, he was trying to protect
a very fragile relationship and that was his priority.

John would not have told his parents any time soon,
take a look at the scene in Steven's bedroom, when John had asked
if Steven's parents knew he was gay.
The look on John's face, showed the fear and trauma of how his
parents might react.

I agree you have your opinion and I have mine,
but don't be put off by my intensity.
I feel very strongly about this film as you do.
I respect your point of view.
This is why we are messaging, to exchange POV'S.

I agree when John and Steven are alone
they are sharing what only they can
experience together.
Keep the others away.
Stay the hell away.

When you find someone you can love,
that love can be messy, mean, caring,
hateful and boring, anything you
can think of to describe that
overpowering emotion.

I don't know exactly what true love is suppose to be
but I wish someone told me that loving someone was not
going to give you a peace of mind.
In fact, it adds more turmoil.

I recall the scene when Steven is in the locker room and he
has John's gym bag, while gripping tightly John's gym shirt,
and he curses at John in the worst way. Steven is angry.

Steven has gone from love to anger and bitterness,
maybe even hatred towards John.
That is the reality of relationships.
Steven Robert Marchio


Don't worry about sounding too rude, you were just merely expressing your viewpoint. And yes, we are all here to share how we felt about the movie. I agree that I do not know what true love is either, but this did seem like a love. It is one that I wanted to last, but unfortunately, Patrick Wilde didn't want that to happen. Having said that, there is one thing that I cannot understand, and that is why nobody seemed to notice or say that John was gay at the end of the movie. His parents know that he associated with Steven during the weekend, and now Steven admits that he is gay on Prize Day. Why can't these people put two and two together? And even Kevin and Dave saw him nearly kissing Steven. Is it that they are just in denial, or are they just too naive?

"It's just love. What's everyone so scared of?"


mister1989: 'Get Real'
Are you still reading my last message?
When do you have time to write another one?
I can go on & on.....can't I? Don't get me started again.

The film ending was very ambiguous to say the least.

Have you read the play 'What's Wrong with Angry?'
The tone was so different, very harsh, mean and
John Dixon wasn't so 'confused' as in the film.
He was a straight guy just having sex with women
and men but was not gay. They all say that.

That is what I always thought 'living on the down low' meant:
Having sex with both sexes but denying they
were gay or even bisexual? Confused.
Steven was living a secret, hidden life to a large degree,
but he was just doing it with men.

Steven's friends:
Linda and Jessica knew John Dixon was gay.
Steven's mother had known for a while.
Steven's mother told his dad.
Kevin had his suspicions and also his goon Dave had to know.
John's parents will questioned him about all the lying.
Whew! John is headed for the woodshed when he gets home.

What about Christina?
She is a significant character
who says very little. They talk about her alot.
Did John ever sleep with her? I doubt it.
Nothing is said directly on the subject
but John seems to feel nothing sexual
towards her even if he does like her.
She probably felt the lack of interest
on Dixon's part.

Two and two.. what is that five? No, they can't count.
John is in supreme denial. He is the naive one.
When he goes back to the school, he won't know what hit him.
After everyone confronts him. He will just lie some more.
Dad will take away his allowance or something.

The questions were all left unanswered.
The film ending is in a timewarp.
Dixon is frozen, paralyzed.
The ending is in limboland without any real answers.
We do speculate.
Steven Robert Marchio


Sorry, it's just that I like to get into engaging conversations about films. You don't know how hard it is to be the only kid in my school to watch such great films and then have no one to talk to about them. All that today's kids care about are the Lindsay Lohans, and the Paris Hiltons, and the Jessica Simpsons. Just once I would like to talk about Anita Ekberg dancing in the club in La Dolce Vita, or having people actually know who Katherine Hepburn is. I am sorry if I am not "Real" enough for you, but I don't really care. I know that I live in my own world and as long as I still have the beautiful characters in films, I am going to keep on talking to anyone who will listen. So sorry if you don't like me bringing up new topics or other crap, but I really do like this discussion because it is engaging and such a spark in my monotonous life. I am truly an old soul in a seventeen year old's body.


It doesn't reflect anything that I have written.


I don't really care what you have written, I agree with certain things that you have said, but it was just that I did like having this conversation and it kind of hurt me that you made that comment about how I should "Get Real." I just take certain things too seriously and I am very sensitive, so I apologize for getting off on a tangent and talking all that smack. Yes, I also think that John would be in a lot of trouble at home, but I don;t think that he would be able to deny it. Kevin saw him nearly making out with Steven and he also saw them having fun in the pool that weekend. It will be hard for John, so it can either go one of two ways: 1.He can tell them that he is gay; or 2.He could get drunk and do something dangerous and probably injury himself badly. Of those two, I prefer the first because I still have optimism. I just wanted to tell you, personally, that I don't care if you write one page or five hundred pages on a fly that came into a scene or whatever the hell. I will read it. I like to here other people's opinions, even if they differ from mine. There I go again, going off on another tangent. But if you want to go back to discussing the film, then discuss away. What did you think about John's story when he met Danny? Do you think that he really did lose his virginity to Steven, and what happened to Danny?


I really liked the ending, as a gay teen myself i understand the problems both teens were going through. i have a bf who could have come 2 my school and after watching this movie on film4 for the first time it made me realise that i could have gone through the same thing. I liked how the movie had a certain closure to it when Stephen says "Be happy,John" which told us that this was the end of a beautiful relationship but then again wats to say that after a few years they meet up and have a proper relationship? I found the ending quite emotion, which sounds pathetic but it hit me hard, it tells us that all good things,in this case their relationship, must come to an end and that decisions,coming out, can change our lives for the better and for the worst.

