a sequel?

i dont usually agree with sequels for great films but this is one film that really upset me....not in a crying upset way just the way these films always have depressing endings. I mean the song that came on when they drove off was freedom??? yeah hes (steve) free to be what he wanted to be but he didnt want to be free he wanted to be with johnny. They made the perfect couple so why end the film like that. Now obviously they will see each other at school and live in the same city so whats to say they wont give it another go...john cant hide forever! It was a similar ending to beautiful thing...why cant everyone be happy...its only love...


The ending fit. Steve's whole speech was just about how he's sick of having to hide himself and if John was still in the closet they couldn't be together. Plus, John is kinda f***ed up (though understandably so). When it's only love, part of that is loving yourself. Remember the other line? "I want to make you feel good about yourself" ?


I agree that the ending fit (john was a very flat character and incapable at that point in his life to join steven on stage, though i desperately wanted him to) but because i'm utterly codependant when it comes to this thing i was left a bit emotionally unsatisfied. Regarding what quickly became my concern, a sequel, i've found out that there is indeed a sequel to the play "what's wrong with angry" on which the film is based. Here's a link to a site that has a small blurb about the general plot of the sequel "you couldn't make it up."


in any case i've been trying for some time now to get a copy of the play in print and think i've finally managed to do so but i'd desperately like to get a copy of the sequel in print or some info about (and this is a long shot now)where it may be playing in the NYC area.


I do understand that view of John as being insecure and not really fit to join Steven. But the end was so depressing. I wanted them to be together, to give it another try...

Still, perhaps it will happen. I didn't find the end as optimistic as Beautiful Thing, but I do see a touch of hope that they will try again.

And I'm glad that Steven's friends (and, later, his parents) were there for him.

Perhaps I am starry-eyed, perhaps it is clichéd and not as true to life, but I would have enjoyed this much more if the film ended on a happier note between them. Plenty of gay love stories can and often do end happily in reality.

"''S e co-shnaim eadar fear is bean
A th'ann pòsadh!'
Cha robh fhios orm gu bheil gaol air chlaon-bràigh...!"

("'A union between a man and a woman
Is marriage!'
I didn't know that love was prejudiced...!"



I guess I'm in the minority here, but I didn't think it was a sad ending. Personally, I think John has to come to terms with himself before he can have a relationship with Stephen or anyone. So... yeah. I figured Stephen was better off without him for now.


I agree with you, simbaismysexylion. In high school, before I was out, I thought that the ending was unnecessarily sad and pessimistic and I wish it would end a different way, mostly because I was living through it vicariously. Now, I see that it is more realistic and that Stephen IS better off without John at the point at which the movie ends.

Coming out and accepting yourself puts you on an entirely different plane from where you were when you were closeted. When Stephen and John first met, Stephen was on the cusp of coming out but was still able to relate to John, even if not completely (as evidenced by John saying, "You don't understand! You're not F#@%ing confused!"). After he came out, his new self-respect demanded that he not hide anything any more, and John just wasn't ready for it. I love the ending now; it's so honest and real.


I agree with you, simbaismysexylion.. It's not a sad ending..

I'd guess since it's probably their first serious relationship, it is too often in life that the you'd probably learn things from this initial experience - mostly unpleasant ones. But truly, the first experience are memorable, and the magic of it was shown in the scenes where these two were close..

I could relate to both of their experiences though mine weren't so extreme. I was divided who to support for since I could understand both of their places they were in.. Though the last bits where John was really beating up Steven was rather uncalled for..

The ending to me was rather optimistic (riding off in the car, loud blaring music, Linda getting a new licence = a feeling of new found freedom) - and these characters are still very young and in time, hopefully these people would grow wiser (steven, john) and for the parents to learn acceptance after all of this..


I also think John hitting Steven in the stomach as his mates came in just as John and Steven were kissing and stuff. That was a horrible thing to do and he needed a punching back for that. It's one thing to be closeted, but another to seem internally homophobic, and being one of the lads, and having to hurt a guy that you love.

The boyfriend factor of gay movies is great. To add, I know of a guy called Luke from Tasmania, Australia. I really do love him with all my heart and I wish I could be with him, but he disappeared in June 2004, and sadly it wasn't to be. I'll never forget him and I'd never hurt him if we were together. He was my Beautiful Thing. Oops, wrong film! LOL PS: I wanna find him. :)

The ending with Steve and Linda was lovely and here's to the future of the characters and Steve's next better relationship. Daryl xxx


Hey just wanting to straight something out "You Couldn't Make It Up" is as far as I know not a sequel to "What's Wrong With Angry" but just the next gay play Patrick Wilder wrote. But the characters are NOT the same persons.

Bye the way lovede the ending though I felt really sad after seeing it. And I Just don't think it would have been the same movie with a happy happy joy joy Hollywood ending. Know what I mean?

Love Love Love this movie is one of my favoritt 3 gay movies 4 if you count CAMP´as a gay movie.

Mikkel, Copenhagen, Denmark


I've been totally haunted down by this movie, and this sad ending. I desperately want them to be together, what a prefect couple! But in reality, does it give us greater chance to gain such romantic and great experience after "get real"? personally I don't think so. I guess lots of people are so obsessed about this movie, because it's too unreal and rare.
Things can't be that prefect, so I guess it's a suitable sequel.

"It's only love, what everyone's scared of? " But how many people can understant it, even not his lover-- Johnny!
I just can't imagine how much disappointment Steve has to take, and how much discrimination and pressure Steve will encounter?


Nah.......leave the movie alone and let it end where it ends. It might not have been a "happily ever after" story but it is for Steve. They're only in high school and about to graduate, it's not likely they would stay together anyways. Steve will move on and find someone who is out and proud like himself. As for John....he's the one that will have a sad life if he stays closeted.


Seeing the movie for the first time, I felt it was what it was- a teen movie for English teens. Though I understand the "reality" ending, it seems to have no place in such a surreal "gay" fantasy. Still, many writers and wannabes have written extrapolation scripts. See bensilverstone.net for an example or two. Sadly, the "teens" are now 7-8 yrs past original production, and I at least would be unable to relate to a substitution from the original cast. Probably the only way for a sequel would be to have the players be the adults they are and have them re-acquaint. I have toyed with such a script myself. However, such a sequel would probably be unaccepted by the original fans as well as tainting a classic coming out story. I understand there were also financial hurdles getting the first film produced. And finally, though Mr. Silverstone gives all credit to Simon Shore for the film's success, Get Real would have not been the same movie without Ben Silverstone. In this instance it is the romance and not the play that is the thing.



On Ben Silverstones website is a link to the Get Real Boards and viewers are encouraged to post scripts on what happened next.


I have actually got ahold of Patrick Wilde who wrote the play and the screenplay for the film, and we have discussed the possibility of the sequel. He isn't to keen, but I am trying to convince him that people want to see one produced. Maybe, if we start a petition online that will get them on board. What has been posted allready for a plotline is exactly what I was thinking as well. The sequel would have John back with Christina about to get married. Perhaps she is pregnant with their love child as well. Steven might now working as a reporter or photographer has been hired to shoot their wedding. Of course John and Steven hook up and continue their affair in secret, with things unravelling towards the end where John might come out during his wedding, and then the two guys leave together perhaps in Charlottes red convertable. Thats how i have seen such a possible movie.


Gay or Straight, most high school relationships don't last. Steve and Johnny will be completely differant people in two years.


Yeah, but don't you think that most people still have fond memories of their first loves, especially when the person is closeted? Even though I see them in entirely different lives now, they still have deep seated feelings for each other, sorta like Carrie Bradshaw and Mr Big on Sex and the City. I see the sequel focussing on Johns coming out, which was never really dealt with in the first one for obvious plot reasons. Eventually its gonna happen don't you think? Whether he is caught one day with another guy, or he drinks himself to death etc, you can't live a downlow life forever without serious self damage.




I just bought a DVD copy of this movie, and I still love it. A sequel NEEDS to be made...


i just saw this movie and for some reason it didnt have the ending described here or on wikipedia. the one i saw on television showed them together at the end in dixon's pool after being discovered by that bully. hmmm


Wild. Possibly a re-cut, but I can't imagine. Well, leave it to television.
