TODAY I have watched this film. I like it very much.
I agree with both characters. I think it's difficult to come out, to be who you really are and the most difficult is to know that people around you know your "secret". so I undertand John's behaviour. But I feel sad and upset because it shouldn't be like that. BEing closed, John loses a lot of important things and he can't live or enjoy the life. IT MAKES ME FEEL VERY UNGRY!!!!
THE LAST SCENE IS REALLY SAD. Steve is free, he doesn't have to keep his secret anymore but what happens with the love that he feels towards John??
I thought that they will continue together. John could be together with STEVE, They are going to leave the school; what they do outside it's their businees.
it's a funny beutiful love story which brokes and I were in this kind of relationship I had made something more. Poor steve and John. they deserve to be together. IF SOMEONE DAY A FRIEND OR whoever is living a situation like this, I am going to help them in order to be together. No more fears about what people can thing about you. it starts to be annoying, we are already in 21th century.