What sexual content? Hugs and kisses? Longing looks? Waking up in your boyfriend's bed? OH! I forgot! We did get to see his butt.
Here's yet another example of why American films are so saccharine. Our films are emasculated in pre-production, as Jack Valenti is wearing film-makers' bollocks for jewels in his crown - as King of the Right-Wing Censors.
You can't blame producers - they've got to turn handsome profits. The blame for our mostly inferior films rests solidly on the MPAA, which should be thumped like the Berlin Wall.
I've been really shocked when I have seen the R-rate for this film a few minutes ago!!! I agree: why?? If the movie were about hetero relations, I am sure it wouldn't have the R rate. There is no sex scene, and I didn't consider the language offensive at all. But well, I don't live in the US...
In my opinion, this is just the homophobic MPAA, which slaps an R rating on any film that is about homosexuality, even when there are no sex scenes. This is thanks to the influence of the White House and Religious Fundamentalists, the same as in Iran, Maylasia, and places like that.
The American rating system is typical hypocritical politics, and should be abandoned. So long as it stands, American films rarely venture outside the peurile. The film-makers have to make their venture capital back and a good profit, and they fear the power of the MPAA. So all American films, even the really good ones, are kept from being as good as they could be. Of course, it also affects foreign films made for the American market.
This major problem, i.e. censorship in film-making, will stand for as long as we have this religion-based rating system. It is the major reason that the film industry is in a very big slump, and it is the major reason that American film-goers have very poor taste in films.
Furthermore, in my opinion, such a censorship bureaucracy is un-Constitutional, and abrogates the guarantee of Free Speech. I believe that film-makers should be given complete freedom, and then the marketplace would be the judge of what people want to see, not the government. I despise Big-Brotherism, and that's why I go on and on.
Hi Donny-31. I totally agree with you, and would like to discuss some things: - It seems really strange such a strong power of religion in your country (i'm taking for granted that you are from the US), especially being a multi religious country. I live in Spain, where Catholicism used to be the only one, so its power was really strong. But nowadays, we are trying to be independent from the Church, and it is losing power. And I guess the same proccess is taking place through the whole Europe. - I have seen some American gay themed movies, and they can't be compared to European ones (please, do not take me for the typical European who thinks we are superior to Americans). But it is true that here we approach to this kind of themes with more freedom, and less afraid of showing everything. I have seen American movies which made me blush (Eating Out, for example) because they use the same stereotypes over and over. - However, in the US there are the best TV series, where they approach the gay themes with an incredible good taste or without the "prejudice" of films. I am thinking, for instance, of Sex and the City, or Six Feet Under. Why do you think that series can show a man looking for same sex encounters with prostitutes, or gay relations as naturally as straight ones, but films cannot?? Why can Sex and the city be so popular, but Alexander be a failure, or Janet Jackson's breast be a reason for suing the TV channel? - And finally you say: it is the major reason that American film-goers have very poor taste in films. Well, here artists have more freedom to show whatever they want, but the box-office top is full of commercial Hollywood films.
At which age can you watch a film when it's R rated. because I have my dvd here and it says 12 years, so you can watch at the age of 12 and above, it's a Dutch version (dutch subtitles), with also french subtitles and a french dub so maybe it is also for Belgium and France, but maybe they rate it there differently, so I can't say anything about those 2 countries, and also the box says nothing about it containning sex and bad language but the dvd is about 2 years old so maybe that is changed now because the rules are a bit stricter now I think.
So, can you name any films with gay content that are rated less than R? It absolutely is due to certain religious groups that the MPAA has as much power as it does. The only way to avoid an R is not to submit your film to them at all, and then it gets rated "Unrated," which has its own problems. I don't think anyone is saying it's religion itself that is the problem, but certain fascistic groups who use their religion as a weapon against anything they disagree with.
"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde
>>I find it very funny that people assume religious zealots have no problem with straight teen sex.<<
I'd find it funny too, but I've never heard anyone say something so silly. Of course they're against any sex, but they don't quote a bible verse telling straight kids they're "abominations," and they do say that to gay people. I already explained where I'm coming from. It isn't my fault if you can't get it, and I won't spend any more energy if all you can do is make excuses.
"The value of an idea has nothing to do with the honesty of the man expressing it."--Oscar Wilde
Hi donny..I'm Kerwen Kandel recently signed up and haven't seen the film for a lack 0f cable tv and internet over the past 8 months and now only recently been in UK trying to do some studies/reviews for a good job.
If u are saying that this film had no hardcore as I assume u are saying..then it means the film sucks. And i agree with your point on the comparison between British and American films.
Donny...if a butt appearing is the closest this film has gotten to, I think British TV has a long way to go in terms of sexual liberation and teen and preteen gay love.
Donny...when I get my credit card..I'm gonna buy this film just to see how much it has fallen behind my expectations. I think I can write a film about teen and preteen gay love that is 100 million times more penetrative. But I'll leave that to your imagination.
Kerwen: you may have misunderstood me just a bit - sorry not to have been more clear. I was not ragging on the film; it is a very good film. Except for the speech that Silverstone's character gives (which I didn't like, because it seems "plot-driven" instead of "real" and gives me just a bit of tension) I like it very much and have watched it more than once.
I was ragging on the American MPAA (the ratings). I despise this organization, which serves no purpose other than being a tool of hypocritical politicians and hypocritical voters who support them. Obviously it was made with an eye on America's rating system, or it would have had a bit more skin. I don't NEED that, to like a film, but I'm saying that the MPAA's rating on this film is a lie; they rated it R because it is gay.
there is interesting thing. I live outside usa and I found that sometimes they sell in usa unrated version and in uk i find it rated. When I asked I was told the american vesion not include some scene you can guess which...