About to buy it

Im about to buy this game, but havent played the first one yet because I dont have it :P. Do you have to play the first one first in order to understand the story of this one?


Kind of, but it still gives you some details from the first.


res 2 takes place not even a month after the first one. its the same idea but with a WAY different story line. there's some small refrences to the RE 1 game like the stars office room.. and um... well thats about it. all you realy need to know is that in a first one.. the stars teams goes and investigates an area on the outskirts of racoon city. they go into the mansion.. zombies.. t virus.. bluh bluh bluh.. and few of them escape.. the end. so do you realy need to play it.. no. but should you play it just because its the fricken original... yes. be sure you get the DC version on psx. the game cube verison left alot of stuff out but at the same time added alot of stuff in.



Thanks for the info. My copy arrived today in the mail. Its the psx version sinds I dont have a game cube. Im also planning on buying the first one if I can find a good copy.
