Morse code...

I forget what the girls said in morse code, but it didn't make sense! The boys commented on how it didn't make sense when they translated it, does anyone know what the girls meant to say?


All I know is that "one long, two short and one long", translates to T - I - T

I think it unlikely they were saying "tit", so if it were legit Morse code, it's more likely to be two words, with the last word being "it" (for example, "get it").

Of course, there's no way of knowing from a few letters what they were actually saying, but I hope that helps.

It definitely couldn't have said "help send bobo".

We all know "SOS" is "dit-dit-dit dah-dah-dah dit-dit-dit"...So, it's pretty simple to figure out that unless that message ended with three long (3 dah's), that was a bad translation.

Oh, and a very easy way to translate Morse code, is through a Morse code tree, like this one:
