What was wrong with them??

Ugh, the book is beauty unsurpassed, this film is very beautiful but it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the book, which is exponentially so much more. As usual we remain with the question of why did they do it?? In the book I fluctuate between feeling this was a game to them, a joke, and feeling that something incredibly sinister was happening in that house. In the book I feel there are more indications of abuse, like the rotten food lying everywhere, the fact that they were being starved!!! We don't see that in the film. So strange.


I feel like that's the point of the film, it's telling the story in the perspective of the infatuated boys in the midst of an atypical situation in a typical neighborhood.

it reminds me of a milder American beauty, where a perfect suburban American family suddenly shifts to dark places, and it becomes the focus of different communities. normal becomes and feels abnormal, even after the deaths of the sisters long pass.
