MovieChat Forums > The Virgin Suicides (2000) Discussion > love the music in this movie!

love the music in this movie!

I think it was great how Sofia Coppola picked the music to fit each scene in this movie. The group Air did the background soundtrack throughout the movie.
My favorite scenes where I felt the music totally fit the scene was:

1. The prom with the groups ELO "Strange Magic", 10cc "I'm Not In Love" and Styx "Come Sail Away" playing-one so atmospheric and the other song so happy.
2. When Trip Fontane leaving Lux alone on the football field and the background song "Playground Love" by Air. I so felt that feeling of abandonment and loneliness when Lux rode home in the taxi and that song was playing.
Here's the video:
3. The boys calling the secluded girls in their room playing "Hello, It's Me" by Todd Rundgren, the Bee Gees "Run To Me", and Carole King's "So Far Away". So sad that the parents imprisoned the girls to where the only way the outside world could communicate with them was through the telephone and mail order catalogues.

The music and fashion so fit this movie to a tee! Tell me what you think were your favorite scenes?


Many great scenes. The whole film was, of course, great. Some scenes which I liked a lot are

- when the boys are reading the diary (the visuals and music which were used to show that were great),
- The party in their house.
- The record playing part.
- The imagined travels of the boys and girls.
- The scene after the parents leave the house where we hear the narrator and see the empty house (during that scene: "Empty House" by Air).
- The whole last part after all girls committed suicide including the party up to the last scene where the boys are standing in front of the girls' house and thinking about them.

And many more scenes.


The "original" music composed by Air sounds a LOT like Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon. "The Great Gig in the Sky", specifically...
