Just as wrong as HIMYM finale!
Will and Grace was my fav show back then and I was gutted it was finishing. My best friend and I (a gay man incidentally) watched it together and had our hankies at the ready for the weeping that would ensue when the end credits came.
The end credits started..but our weeping didnt!
8 seasons of ups and downs, laughs and tears about 2 people who adored one another and were always there for each other..we'd invested many many hours into this show..and for what....
A finale where two people who'd meant so much to each other..and at the end just because Grace wanted to raise her child with its father they had the mother of all fall outs and didnt speak to each other...for EIGHTEEN YEARS!!!
I dont buy that..there is no way those two characters would not speak to each other for that many years & not be involved in each others lives.
After it finished my friend and I just looked at each other and did the 'WTF!' face!! Neither of us could believe that those characters would behave like that - it was like the episode had been written by someone who knew nothing about the characters and have never seen the show!
Then 'How I Met Your Mother' did the same thing..terrible ending to a great show!
Bad finales = bored and fed up writers = VERY disappointed viewers!!