Rumi Question (spoilers)

I'm very sorry if this question has been asked before, but I just can't figure it out.

Do you remember the scene where CHAM (with only two people) is at a concert, and suddenly the alternate, glowing version of Mima comes on stage and starts singing. Well clearly SOMEONE is there. The fans go crazy, and the two singers look at her.

So was that Rumi (her manager)? Did the fans see her as a middle-aged overweight woman, or did they genuinely believe it was Mima?

I'm perfectly open to any crazy theories you might have.


P.S. I just saw the movie today, and man, it is absolutely amazing.


Of course it's Rumi. And of course the audience saw her as a fat woman. They just thought that Mima gained a lot of weight between gigs.


It could be Rumis imagination, the glow around her is there for a reason.


I don't know. I don't think that Rumi is actually there. I think it's either just in Rumi's head or Mima's. Because wouldn't the two CHAM sings be caught completely off guard and wonder what in the heck was going on if Rumi just suddently appeared on stage with them singing?


In addition, if you watch the glowing Mima, she is singing and dancing to a COMPLETELY different song when compared to the rest of CHAM. Though the choreography could be different for the "star" of CHAM, the result is far too out of place in my opinion. Thus the glowing Mima cannot be real in my mind, yet the only thing that catches me off guard is when the crowd seems to react to Mima jumping off stage as if the director wanted to misguide us.

So, I wonder if there even is a theory that is free of contradictions and fully consistent throughout the entirety of this film. My guess is that as hard as we may try to find the "truth," only the director will ever have a consistent theory, assuming one exists in the first place at all, which I think is also suspect considering the director's desire to manipulate the audience's perception in a different direction than that of the "truth."


Well you hear these guys talking about the concert, and they say Mimi is performing tonight. Because that was on the website, and the other two girls seem to look at something. So i personally believe it was Rumi on stage.


I don't think anyone was there, I just think it was Mima's mind playing tricks on her. If you recall, the same guys that were visiting her website also said "Yeah, but is that really her?" So they start doubting that the website is really a legitimate source of information anyway well into the movie.
Compare this to the scene when Mima looks on the website and says "I guess I went to Harajuku today". It's just Mr. Me-Mania and Rumi team playing tricks on her to try to erase her existence.


Yes, I believe Mima was just influenced by what she read on the website; the website claimed Mima was going to preform that day, so she thought she did. It was all in Mima's head, I think - she was using the website as a "guideline" for her own life.


i figured that the creepy guy was imagining it.


I actually thought it was all a part of Me-Mania's imagination, too. He wanted her to be on the stage so badly that he projected his vision of her on the stage.

Although I am a bit confused. The other CHAM girls seem to have been looking at something in between them. The audience also reacted. But maybe these things were also apart of Me-Mania's imagination? :S

I just thought that if Rumi was to prance about on stage, then perhaps it would've been mentioned later on in the film. I thought she'd kept her Mima/Rumi persona to herself. If she'd appeared in public, it would make sense for the characters to talk about it, or for people to have some sort of reaction... Unless that was deliberately omitted to confuse the viewers. :S


"The other CHAM girls seem to have been looking at something in between them"
Exactly, and they seem to be a little disturbed too; because it was rumi (i guess) :D


I'm another who got the initial impression that scene was Me-Mania's hallucination.

However, upon giving this further thought, I've now changed my mind and consider that scene to be a delusion held by both Mima and Rumi. Literally just before that scene takes place, you see a previous scene where Mima's vision of "virtual Mima" tells her she's about to go off to the concert and sing alongside the other 2 members of CHAM. So it makes logical sense that she is imagining that concert scene. Yet just afterwards, it also says on the "Mima's Room" website Mima was there singing. Given the later events which occur in the film, we come to realise this must have been written by Rumi. And given that she wants to be Mima so much, it would make sense that she deluded herself into believing that she had been there as Mima, and as a result wrote about it on the website for all of Mima's fans to see. But you never see or hear any of those fans actually admit to having watched her perform, so I don't believe that the concert scene was intended to show events as they were really happening, but to portray imaginary one's.

Of course, different people will interpret that concert scene differently. But to me it's the one that makes the most sense from a logical point of view.
