Anyone else still see this as Supernatual?
Personally it's the way that works bets forme. There's constant talk about Mima being two people, her the Idol and her the actress and, if I recall correctly, there's suggestions that such a subconsious force could manifets itself with it's own identity. I always saw it that Idol Mima was a manifestation of Mima's regrets and loss, that just wanted to be a star. Idol Mima manipulates Me-Mania and even possesses Rumi, whow as already mentlaly unstable, wanting to replace Mima. I don't thnik this is that random, there's a lot to suggest this possibility in the film, in dialogue and ideas, and it explains an awful lot. Such as Idol Mima, a mainifestation, apperaing on stage and everyone reacting.
I see it as a psychological supernatual thriller, anyone else look at it this way?
- Scarecrow
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