Good Comedy Movie

I found this movie very funny and i don't know why more people don't come in here.ANyways it wasn't that famous ass it appears.




This is one of my all time favorite movies! I can't beleive it has such a low score!


The majority in this forum is either stupid or very naive. If you see a good comedy and look it up on imdb it got a low score. You might see comments like "this movie didn't enlight me at all" ..HEEY I think the writer was trying to enlight people. You people who has got Bergman so far up in your ass try to keep it together and judge a movie for its cause.


Know what I hate? When I got to boards for unpopular cool movies like Screwed and there are only like two boards for the movie. I want to to discuss this movie who appericate the movie for what it is, a enjoyable light and funny comedy. Nothing more. Another example of a unpopular movie that doesn't have enough boards is The Big Hit....Hard Target is another example also.


i loved this movie...i just got done watchin it for probably the 20th time this closest friends and i watch this movie more than anyone should...the strange thing is that hardly anyone has ever seen it...whenever we show it to someone new they always like it...i dont know anyone that has seen it and didnt like it.


Hi, I saw this movie about two years ago
I laughed so hard, but I also wondered why didn't I hear about it before
if you guys want to make this film a high rating one you should do the following:
Go to the page of the voting, bookmark it, and every day vote for 10


Yeah, this is a funny movie. It's way underrated, and needs much more love.



Have any of you ever seen a creative comedy? I want to cry reading this thread.


C'mon now Ganon, this movie is funny for what its worth.


Please, ganonslayer, give us all a break. Speaking for myself, I am a fan of all types of comedy. Some of my favorites are W.C. Fields' It's a Gift, Woody Allen's Love and Death, Howard Hawks' Bringing Up Baby and just about anything by Preston Sturges. I also love Screwed, as I appreciate it for what it is: an unassuming, light farce that has no pretensions to greatness other than trying to make you laugh. After all, isn't that what good comedy is supposed to do?


Just saw this movie on TV a couple of weekends ago and thought it was really funny. Had never even heard of it prior to that. Did this film have a theatrical release or was it direct to video?
