10 Things I Love about this movie
1.) It's really funny, with awesome jokes
2.) Great leads in the cast
3.) A great dynamic love story between Kat and Patrick (bonus points for using Bianca and Cameron as misdirection on whose love story this was)
4.) Best guidance counselor ever (for a teen comedy at least)
5.) Most epic "I'm sorry, please forgive me" effort ever made (with Patrick singing in the stadium)
6.) Best "I forgive you" scene after that (with Kat getting him out of detention)
7.) Funniest, most overprotective dad ever
8.) Best villain takedown for a teen film ever (with Bianca beating up Joey during prom)
9) Beautiful location (Seattle was so much prettier in the late 90s, and they seriously must have filmed this in summertime, it almost never is that sunny, even today)
10.) Best Shakespeare referencing ever for a teen movie