I've seen this movie...
More times than I've seen any other movie. Don't ask me why, lol. I don't think it's the best movie ever, but it's definitely one of my favourites (particularly given I've seen it so many times). I don't know how many times I've seen it but I'd say over 50!
It's actually been a while since I last saw it but I'm still pretty sure I'd know every line in the movie before spoken if I watched it again right now.
Having seen it so many times I think the only thing I dislike about the story is how quickly (and without explanation or reason) Bianca does a 180 and essentially becomes an entirely different person the rest of the movie. It seems like the movie should have been longer, even if only to explain that change in character.
10 Things definitely wears on you well though, because I don't think there are many other movies I could have seen this many times and not gotten sick of. The movie I've seen the 2nd most times (The Matrix) seems to have become "tired" today by comparison (also its sequels didn't do it any favours). I've probably seen 10 Things around 10-20 times more than The Matrix and given the choice between the two today, I'd rather watch 10 Things.
I saw both movies as many times as I did due to the same reason, but 10 Things seemed to have more lasting appeal. I saw The Matrix in theatres but not 10 Things (I'm not sure I even knew about the movie when it was in theatres!).
Anyway yeah, just saying, this movie "never gets old"! Definitely a classic :)