Black Panties?

After All these years, the one thing that I never understood about the movie was the black panties scene. Anybody want to tell me what the significance of black panties mean?


I never get this either! Essentially Bianca is saying that because Kat has black panties, she intends to have sex or hook up. She assumes the black panties are meant to be shown off, so Kat would wear them if she thought she might have sex. I still don't really get it though. I think it's just the underwear Bianca shows that makes confusion though. If it was some lacy number or something I might think "Oh yeah she got those for when she's with a guy." But the underwear Bianca holds up just looks like totally normal underwear so I don't get the correlation.


haha this scene has always stuck in my mind from when I watched it when I was 12 or 13, cause I'd just bought loads of black underwear, just normal black underwear like in the movie, cause I liked the colour black and was sick of having pink and baby blue underwear. It confused me cause then I felt like having black underwear somehow meant I was wanting to have sex or be promiscuous. Very confusing for my young mind!
Bit of a stupid assumption, maybe it's because black underwear is more slimming and flattering, so it suggests someone is going to be seeing you in them?


I agree... I understand the significance of black panties... but it would make more sense if they were actually sexy black panties... the ones in the movie looked like the kind you find in a Hanes 3-pack in Walmart,along with a white pair, and a beige pair, lol!


the ones in the movie looked like the kind you find in a Hanes 3-pack in Walmart,along with a white pair, and a beige pair, lol!


Oh, and one more just read my signature.


i'm going out on a limb here and saying that black panties represent desire,, sexuality and exploration for a girl of that age,, that's just my opinion,, she want's to be sexy,, and black or red is the way to go .

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


I don't think you were supposed to look to far into the black panties meaning she wanted to have sex.
One interesting thing though is that when she was in her room and found them, she didn't know that Kat had sex already.


C'mon people, that scene tells you nothing about Kat but a lot about Bianca.


Agreed. For Kat it might have just been black underwear. I always took it as Bianca thought she was worldly but really she was just a kid who made base judgments like black underwear is for sex.


Exactly! For Kat it was just a colour variation and Bianca reads much more into it than is the reality. Ironically later Kat shares a secret about which Bianca had no idea.


yea true, when i first saw this film when it came out I was probably about 12 and I was laughing my head off at this scene cos I had never heard that in my life so it sounds so stupid and Bianca acting all girly and confident in what she's saying. I have more black than any other colour lingerie as light/pale colours are gonna show through my clothes (whatever colour) - I was thinking to myself back then, so i just bought all this from primark or new look cos I'm gonna have sex? hahaha!😂😂😂 these teen films are killing me (deffo not a british or a worldwide statement)

But if you notice when Cameron tells Patrick that Kat has black underwear, he looks a little surprised by it (maybe this chick is worth a chance lol) and nothing else is said lol


I dont understand any of yall's confusion on this Bianca says it straight...that it means Kat wants to have sex someday.....


From what I remember the rest of the underwear we see in the drawer is lighter colored and less sexy. So I think Bianca took it as a sign that Kat had black panties (slimming and sort of showoff-ish--they did seem to shimmer as if they were silk or sating, to my recall) which, to Bianca's mind, meant Kat wanted to make herself appear sexy for a guy.

Hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it!


I've never understood her remark there or just thought it to be stupid! She says 'you don't buy black lingerie unless you want someone to see it' - Err, yes you do! Her saying lingerie includes bra's, who in their right mind wears a white bra under a black top? It just always seemed like a really silly line.


She isn't say lingerie, just panties.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


You're right! I have absolutely no idea where I got lingerie from, I knew she just said panties so I'm not sure why I typed that message. I didn't even remember typing it. Drunk? Out of it? I'm not sure. Obviously I need to double check these things a lot before posting them.

I still didn't get it when she said it about the black panties though. Yeah, they might've been for sex and she might've jumped to that conclusion because the rest of her underwear was lighter but, as far as I know, most women have black or dark underwear as well as light and it's regardless of whether they're having sex or not.


