MovieChat Forums > 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) Discussion > Talk about Fantasy High Schools....

Talk about Fantasy High Schools....

The school was immaculate. The Guidance counselor (Ms Perky) was horny. The teachers was extremely lax about the way the students behaved especially the Gym/Soccer coach who conviscated the kids marijuana and just lets Kat Stratford "flash him" in front of a class full of students.

Talk about cool. These kids are eating Nachos? for lunch and food that looked gourmet. Outside there was a Coffee vendor (during the opening scene where Michael was showing Cameron around)and there were soda machines in the cafeteria. Man I wish I went to High school there.


Are you honestly telling me you've never seen a public high school that has soda machines in the caf and nachos for lunch? That was like an every day thing at my high school and it wasn't a rich place. As for the coffee vendor, there was coffee available in the morning during a breakfast period, but I think in the movie it had something to do with their Seattle location, i.e. Starbucks. Plus teachers at my school were pretty apathetic. They may not have stolen kid's weed or were outwardly horny but they were pretty whatever about everything that happened. I don't know, I didn't think those aspects were as far fetched as some other things, but then again this is a movie, not a doc.


There's soda machines in the cafeteria in every public school (or at least to my knowledge). I am from the Seattle area so that scene hits me with students having coffee because when I was in high school (the same era which this movie came out) I had coffee a few times to keep awake from the drugeries of being up @ 7AM for 1st period.

The rest of the stuff is made up movie scenes, but it was an entertaining movie no less especially since this film was released during my own high school years.

SuperNostalgicBrother website:


If High Schools are this cool in Seattle then I'm moving out there and having kids. Man if you went to east coast high schools you'd think you were in prison.


Well the school they used in the film, is in fact a real High School. It's Called Stadium High School. I went there. I graduated in 1997, the year before they filmed it. A lot of people that went there or were (at the time) going there are in the background. Including some of my friends and teachers. The School is actually in Tacoma, Washington, 30 miles South of Seattle. And it is the oldest public High School in Western Washington. 2006 was its 100th Anniversary as a school. The building was originally built to be a hotel, but it went out of business in the late 1800's. part of it burnt down, the school district bought it and fixed up and opened it as Tacoma High School in 1906.

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As far as the coffee, soda machines and nachos go... We had Nachos in our cafeteria, along with pizza, burgers, deli sandwiches and hot dogs... sometimes even Salad. We had Soda Machines and juice machines as well... even a school store that sold different beverages. We didn't have a coffe place on campus, but there was a coffee shop just up the road.

"Goonies never say die."


Well uhm east coast sucks, we basically go to prison not school.

we don't have vending machines or soda machines, we have water fountains.
Our lunch menu consists of the basic sludge of vegetables and then a chicken substance, not that i would ever eat cafeteria food.

We aren't allowed to have food in class or in the halls.
We have uniforms and we can barely breathe without getting written up.
and yeah its a public school.

"I'm in love with Dominic Monaghan."
"Who is he?
"No its okay if i told you, you'd love him too."



i never step foot in the cafeteria at my high school. much less eat the food. i never had a locker either, and there were no soda machines. the juice machine by the gym was actually locked up in a cage. i lived directly across the street from the school (my parents still do) i ate lunch at home with my friends pretty much everyday & if i forgot a book in my "locker" i run home & get it. i went to hs in coral gables florida, about 15 minutes west of miami


> Well uhm east coast sucks, we basically go to prison not school.

Schools were the students act like criminals will quickly become prisons. Schools were the kids behave themselves will get a coffee cart and mashed potatoes for lunch.

I mean seriously; why did they take out the vending machines? Were the kids vandalizing it?

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


umm yea nice thinking. most schools took them out because of the sugar that soda contains, and new policy's require them to sell juice instead. My freshman year we had a few machines. Next year, we had juices


the funny thing is most juices have far more sugar in them then soda

and contrary to popular belief sugar does not make you hyper it acts more like heroin


That's the second time you've written this, but I'm not sure why you find it so amazing - to the limited extent that it's true.

Orange juice has slightly less sugar than Coca Cola, and it also has a lower Glycemic Index.

Some fruit juices, such as pineapple juice, do have more sugar than Coke, but none have "far more."

The only time that "fruit juices have far more sugar than soft drinks" is when fruit juices are unfairly compared with artificially sweetened soft drinks. For example, the (ridiculous) comparison of Coke Zero and pineapple juice would be consistent with your claim, but that's hardly surprising!

Nobody who is seriously worried about their future health would drink sugar-laden soft drinks or fruit juices: they'd drink water or low/zero calorie soft drinks or eat whole fruit. (Whole fruit contains a fair amount of sugar, but it generally has a fairly low GI, so it's not likely to give you adult onset or Type II diabetes.)

Of course, all this ignores vitamins. Coke Zero may have far less sugar than orange or pineapple juice, but it also has no vitamins whatsoever.




then move away from the ghetto, we had snack machines and soda machines in my High School in Florida and I graduated in '93.


the school is in tacoma


the OP was right haha, that school was extraordinary.... but that is to be expected considering it's supposed to be in a rich suburban area outside of Seattle. the average schoool (haha mine although mines not really bad) is much much much less awesome. that's just honest blue collar American high school truth for you. def a awesome school

How many time shall I forgive my brother, seven? ~ Try seventy times seven!

reply school's like that and I live on the East Coast. Just because your school sucks doesn't mean every school on this side of the country does.

Attitude reflects leadership, captain.


> and food that looked gourmet.

You consider nachos and big globs of mashed potatoes to be gourmet food? You must have a REALLY sad high school.

In any case, this was a comedy and there were lots of strange and funny things going on in the background if watch look closely.

For example, one thing I remember seeing was that the cowboys were standing around eating beans from a can. That's what they seem to think real cowboys do.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Lol, you guys have never been in school here in sweden :P
We have a cafeteria where they sell simple sandwich, sodas, coffe, hot chocholate, snack bars and other "small" things.
We get our food for free and it is 3 meals a day, one for vegeterians. And also sallad, hard bread (dont know the proper word, but u get it) and youghurt for those who dont want to eat the food. That we eat in another place than the cafeteria, looks more like an resturant.
We also have soda machines so we dont have to go to the cafeteria to buy sodas. And if we dont like the food we just go to a pizza place or McDonalds or something and eat. Its usually near or you just skip one class to go eat, the teachers dosent say much about that. We can eat whatever we want in class.
Wehn we had a test that is national in sweden, we all do it at the same time and it was a writing test, my teacher said we could take breaks if we felt like it, so long that we finnished in time. I asked if I could go out for a smoke, and she said it was ok.

We had to leave school area to smoke ofc, because that is the swedish law. But no one never did.
The principal herself told me atleast 5~ times to go out of the school area to smoke. She just said "Come on, you know you cant smoke on school grounds. Go out to the road to smoke". And I said "Ok", and did it. For that time only.

Its so fun to see movies and hear other people talk, its so differente :P

(oh, and I'm from Sweden so sorry if my english sometimes sucks)


What? You could eat in class? We could chew gum. Quietly. And that was it.

We had decent food at my highschool since the kids in the Hotel and Restaurant program did all the food fresh each day. Skipping class to go to Mickey Dee's was highly frowned upon.

I graduated in 1999 so life was quite different.


Coffee, junk food, and soda were sold in the cafeteria at my school. Some teachers ARE lax. My 11th grade religion teacher (who was not religious at ALL) said words like sh*t, ass, bastard, constantly made fun of his students, and was always talking about "doobs" and marijuana. He was freaking awesome.

I don't know about the flashing part, that was a bit far-fetched, but whatever. Most of your points weren't even fantastical.

My power, my pleasure, my PAIN


My high school was tiny but we had soda machines and vending machines which they eventually switched out because kids were getting fatter. Juice and Water Machines instead and vending machines filled with Nutrigrain bars lol. In our cafeteria they allowed us to buy chips and cookies. As for our actual lunches, they weren't fancy but they weren't horrible. During my senior year they started giving more choices with the food.

As for teachers and students. My school went by a first name basis so we never called our teachers Mr. or Mrs. My teachers were for the most part pretty relaxed. My two English teachers listened to Rap during classes. My Gym teacher had visible tattoos and nipple piercings. My math teacher had a dark sense of humor. He once explained to us that if there were a fire he would throw us all out the window and use us as cushion to land on and wouldn't care if we died. One time he ate cookies in front of class and when kids asked for some he just laughed, so the next day this boy came to school with a whole pie and ate it in front of him. My school was pretty weird lol.

Lonely Chicago pie


juices actually have far more sugar in them


Well yeah of course lol those choices were never better but being a 17 year old at the time I couldn't have cared less.

Lonely Chicago pie


what school did you go to

my school had nachos and good food we also had soda machines.

one school i went to had vending machines with actual food in them


Right? I went to school in Maine i and graduated in '99. We had soda and sandwhich vending machines, plus all that cafeteria food. It was a tiny public school. You could eat food in quite a few classes as well.

Things did get stricter after I graduated and things arose in the country that made it so that kids needed student ID's and campus cops. Things that were never needed before.
