Mr Morgan

Am I the only one that dislike him?
Or not him acctually, I think it is an funny character. But the actor!
I think that he says all of his lines so bad and I seriously want to puke on him when I hear him speak. And this is my favorite movie..

When he turns around and says "Later" and looking in another way, it looks soooo overplayed.

I love his lines (like almost every line in the film), but still..
An bad actor if you ask me. The character itself is good, but the acting sucks.

Anyone agress or what did you think about him?

(oh, and I'm from Sweden so sorry if my English sometimes sucks)


I thought the character was funny but also a racist and a really weird teacher...


You thought Mr Morgan was a racist?
Based on what?

I don't think you know what racism is.

His line about asking the school board why they can't buy a book written by a black man was brilliant.


he acted like it was her fault that the school can not buy books written by black men

He also showed distain for her being a middle class suburban girl and acted as if a middle class suburban girl could not have emotional problems.

he was also a generally dick of a person kicking her out of his class for no reason what so ever


Best character in this movie


oh, pls, if i made a list of my favourite characters in any movie, i'd say, he would be on my top 20.
imagine someone being on ur top 20, when he's just a side character.

don't exaggerate, i loved every scene he was on it. i mean seriously?


I must admit that the English class scenes are some of the funniest and most poignant in the film. The teacher is a complete wild card and it is strange, he plays the part like he should have a bigger role or impact on the plot. As a character he doesn't, but the English lessons act like staging points in the plot: a neutral, controlled environment in which we can evaluate the progress of Kat's relationship with her classmates (particularly Joey and Patrick). It's no accident that the cathartic scene is in an English lesson with her poem.


Perhaps, his humor doesn't transfer well to Sweden.


He was overacting on purpose for effect, also known as scenery chewing.


He was an ásshole and a racist. Just perfect.
