What was the funniest moment?

How about "and hell is just a sauna"?


I cracked up when Patrick slapped the cop chasing him on the ass! Lol


I loved the part where Patrick drilled a hole through Cameron's book, always makes me laugh.


Any scene with Ms. Perky!!

Or Mr Stratford!!

Or Kat!!

And of course the whole "Can you ever be just whelmed?" "I think you can in Europe!" conversation with Bianca and her snotty little friend.


That must be Nigel with the brie!.

I'm confiscating this. This too!.

I have a dick on my face, don't I?.

Kissing isn't what keeps me up to my elbows in placenta all day long!.

The sh it hath hiteth the faneth.

Kat mi lady. You sway to the rhythm of mi heart ( in a Jamaican accent ).

The scene with the guys that Michael found to ask if they would like to go out with Kat.

When the coach gets hit by the arrow, and then later when he is in the detention room and he tries to sit down, but stands back up in pain!.

When Patrick slaps the cop when he is singing Can't take my eyes off you and being chased by him.

All the scenes with Kat's father.
