Saw them filming this week

Hi all.
I was up around Little Witley in Worcester the other day, and saw that Witley Court was being used for filming.

It turned out to be for Dalziel and Pascoe, and was lucky enough to see Warren and Colin, along with guest star Richard E Grant, who was in a very fetching costume and make-up, resembling one of the band 'Kiss'.

Talking to crew I found that he plays a magician in this episode and they were shooting a night scene where he does his act in front of a crowd including an unappreciative Dalziel and Pascoe!

Incidentally it was a very very wet day!

I look forward to seeing this next year.


They filmed an episode in Sutton Coldfield Park, a couple of minutes walk from where i live. It was about 3 years ago and it featured soldiers running around the park with 'guns', unfortunately the BBC didn't inform the local police and concerned residents called them to say there were armed men in the park! The police sent out armed response units and were not amused when they found out they were filming.


Anyone know when the next series will be shown?
I'm really glad they are still filming this. (They are aren't they?)


An episode started last week, for some reason it was split into two, one hour episodes, instead of showing it as a two hour long one. Not sure until i see next weeks tv guide if another starts next week.
