Junuh hitting golf balls in the rain
I recently re-watched this movie for the first time in a long time. It's probably my all-time favorite movie (It's a toss-up between this, "Crossroads," and "O Brother! Where Art Thou?"...I love all 3 and know them by heart).
The scene that really struck me during this re-watch was the quick scene before the start of the golf match (and right after the part where Bagger lets Hardy be Junuh's forecaddy) where Junuh is struggling on the driving range hitting balls. As a golfer, all I can say is, "Man, have I been there."
I think that scene is supposed to symbolize Junuh's struggles in his personal life at the moment. He's going to have to face his demons at some point and he knows he's not ready to do that. Likewise, he knows his golf game as it was at that moment was not nearly where it should be, compared to Jones's and Hagen's.
I've definitely had my moments of poor play and feeling helpless on the range trying to "find" my golf swing again. I'd been fighting a snap hook with my swing for the past year. About a month ago, out of sheer desperation, I made a grip change and weakened my grip...and I'm finally back to hitting the ball like I'm capable of again. I think that's why that scene struck such a chord with me after seeing it again. It's a great little symbolic scene.