Tie Game?

In the last matchup between the 3 guys wasnt it a tie game. All 3 were even on the fairway but when Matt Damon moved that leaf he fell 1 behind. Then Hagen and the other guy hit it into the green. Then Matt Damon hits it to the green (hes still 1 stroke behind). Then Hagen and the other guy miss their 1st putt (Now all 3 are tied). From there each guy hits the ball in in 1 shot so shouldnt it be a tie game? I dont know maybe I'm missing something.


it was a tie game. even charlize theron yelled that out.


Then why was everyone so happy and congragulating him like he just won?


Because Junah was so far behind. Actually they were also applauding the others too as they had witnessed a great match.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?



It was only an exhibtion, not a tournament so no playoff.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


Because he had come so far behind to tie, and everyone thought he should have won as he penalised himself one shot because he moved the ball only about 2cm's if that by moving a leaf from under it. The other two were telling him too forget about it and too not take the penality but he did anyway and ended up tying. Its just about great sportsmanship.


but if the game was tied, and they just applauded him the most cus what he did was so great, why did the woman shout out that he won? After I saw this movie I thought: is there a rule here I don't know about? One comment from the narrator could have saved this, though.


The significance is that Junah, a former great player who has been out of golf for years, just tied the alleged two best golfers in the game. Doing so earned unparalleled notoriety for not only Junah, but Savannah and CruIsland (sp?) golf course.


No one that I could hear says he won. Charlize Theron's character shouts out something about it being a three-way tie. "Randall Junuh of Savannah has tied Bobby Jones and Walter Hagen in the greatest golf match ever played!" or something like that.


by - ralph-135 on Sat Apr 15 2006 14:36:18
In the last matchup between the 3 guys wasnt it a tie game. All 3 were even on the fairway but when Matt Damon moved that leaf he fell 1 behind.

Not true. You aren't '1 behind' until the hole is completed, though he did lie 3 when the others lay 2. Yes, the cheer was that he sunk a long putt to tie the match after falling so far behind in the first round.
