dramatic twist?

During the ending credits there's a press conference where D'Amato reveals that he's not going to quit but instead coach some smaller team. People apparently get shocked, some call him @$$hole etc. etc.

Was this supposed to be a dramatic twist? Why would anyone even care what he did after he left his position with the team? The general opinion seemed to be that he was a has-been loser anyway.

Could somebody please explain?

Priests adore prophets, prophets resent priests


He was a has-been until he managed to win......

Its not necessarily the fact he's leaving to go to a new break away team but its that he's taking their new star player with him......thats the shocker....


I got the impression that he made an open invitation for Beamen to go with him.

Ok, thanks! That clears things up a bit.

Priests adore prophets, prophets resent priests


Well it's a fact that Diaz's character thought he was washed up. Whenever a football coach wins a playoff game and has "Pantheon Cup" wins, you never want to see him NOT retire (which was expected) and go on the coach and control a new franchise is BIG so yeah they were shocked (the media atleast). The cherry topper was Beamen going with him.


To be honest, I really don't understand enough about this game in general. I'm still trying to figure out why it's called 'football' when the players spend 99,99% of the play time carrying the ball under their arm.

Priests adore prophets, prophets resent priests


"To be honest, I really don't understand enough about this game in general. I'm still trying to figure out why it's called 'football' when the players spend 99,99% of the play time carrying the ball under their arm. "

It's a paradox, I guess because the game starts with kicking.

Anyhow the big thing is that D'Amato is probably getting sick of the fact that Christina was born with a silver spoon and wasn't even born when he started in football yet she constantly fought every decision he made; didnt like him building around the run, didn't get the o-linemen he wanted, tried to cut shark and rooney and attempted to force Tony to start Willie against his wishes. The albequere franchise was supposed to give him complete control. I'm sure that would be her nightmare; to see Tony build a team better than the sharks one he wanted to run.

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