Too much Tony Scott

The strange aspect of this film for me, regarding the Oliver Stone canon, was how much this didn't have the feel of a gritty and sharp Oliver Stone picture. I felt like I was watching The Last Boy Scout way too often. Did Stone just succumb to the stylistic pressures that schlockmeisters like Tony Scott were injecting into the film industry then? All that claustrophobic shaky cam, I hate that style.


how much this didn't have the feel of a gritty and sharp Oliver Stone picture

I beg to differ. I thought Stone's direction was incredibly gritty. The combination of intense camerawork and deft editing created the impression warfare on the field. I shutter to think how boring this would have been in the hands of a safer, more conventional director.


"I beg to differ. I thought Stone's direction was incredibly gritty. The combination of intense camerawork and deft editing created the impression warfare on the field. I shutter to think how boring this would have been in the hands of a safer, more conventional director."

Well, a polite difference of opinion makes for better IMDB forums. Thanks for sharing. I found Stone's direction too claustrophobic and choppy, and didn't really get the sense of being "in" the game during the football sequences. That was the most disappointing aspect for me.


Yeah - I suppose you never feel part of the game. But the brutality and intensity of it all came across.

I also ATE UP the use of weird imagery and symbolism inter-cut during the games. Especially the "Ben Hur" footage & old football imagery superimposed on the action. Under the direction of a Ron Howard or even a Chris Nolan type - I really think the football would have been a lot more tame and uninteresting. Mostly medium, static shots.

I can't think of too many filmmakers that would have been as successful as Stone. Maybe Ridley or Tony Scott have the energy to pull it off.



I usually don't like elements like shaky cams but in the context of a football match I EXSPECT shaky cam! Also note that in most of those shots we had special situations and conditions:
a) Beaman feeling sick and stage-frightenend and then imagining that he is playing in his hood
b) "Shark" being drugged in the final match
c) Cap beaing weakened and injured
