over the top crap

This movie is utter garbage from start to finish. The "football" was so unrealistic it made me laugh. The over exaggeration of the players made them look like nothing but low life thugs. And a QB getting a big head after 2 games? He's only a third string QB. Not to mention they didn't make him look that good. Claiming he is changing football by scrambling? lol take a look at Randall Cunningham and then we'll talk. Lets not forget the silly dialog and the horrible acting by Diaz and LL. This movie is nothing like pro football. If any of those players acted like that on a constant basis they would be cut immediately. And last but not least every single character was one big pathetic cliche.


Yeah but you have to keep in mind the director is Oliver Stone, the raving idiot who made JFK, three hours of paranoiac fantasy that would put an entire maternity ward of babies to blissful sleep. He got lucky once when he made a movie about the delusions of romantic love which he thought was really a hit job (he does nothing but hit jobs: an avenging angel fantasy) on the media, violence and the like. Heaven sometimes offers us a reprieve from the incompetent. Stone had just been divorced and enough unconscious material from the REAL world actually got through!!! Lucky us :{)



Agree 100%.
