MovieChat Forums > Any Given Sunday (1999) Discussion > How is this movie rated so low

How is this movie rated so low

I don't get it one bit.

It's incredibly entertaining with great acting performances, cameos and subplots

They deal with a lot of hard issues that are currently being dealt with in the NFL like concussions, the transition from old white guys running the league to young black guys, and player's lives after they are done with football.

Al Pacino, Jamie Foxx, Dennis Quaid, James Woods, even LL Cool J and Lawrence Taylor put on great performances.

I believe it deserves a higher rating than a 6.6 and if you disagree please explain it to me


There's no real plotline. The main character has no real goal he's trying to achieve. It's just D'Amato losing games & getting yelled at by the team owner, and using alcohol and a prostitute to forget his troubles, and trying to figure out which quarterback to use for TWO AND A HALF HOURS!! (This movie should've been 90 minutes tops.)


Too many blacks.

Run Tell That...Homeboy!-Antoine Dodson


I'm with ya man. I really liked it. But it was noticeably different than the average sports movie (most of which I find cheesy, although I like a number of 'em anyway).

Stone did it a little more stylized, with those dreamy shots and cuts to gladiators/clouds/whatnot. Some of which I liked, but sometimes seemed a little too much, even to me, so maybe it bothered others more.

Also, there were tons of characters most of whom had little plot threads running in and out of the movie, which might've seemed distracting or pointless to some people. Personally, I liked it, made it feel like there was more going on with the team than just the coach-QB drama.



also dont get it...this is a goddamn great movie... im european so my knowledge about this sport is not so wide, but it has a lot om similarities with european soccer at the very top all the things clubs are struggling with.


Not one of Stone's best, but it's pretty good.


